I’ve been taking picture of food close-up to immortalize daily routine’s intricate beauty
More info: effycreations.com
Mollusks’ mess
Clockwise from top right: cctopus, calmar, steamed octopus, steamed razor shell clam
Chinese food balancing darkness
Clockwise from top left: Hangzhou fish, Sichuanese soy bean and seaweed side dish, Shanghainese spring onion vinegar & Cantonese thousand years’ egg.
Layering shapes, colors and textures
Korean raw beef tartar with egg, and cucumber.
Poised soups
Clockwise from top left: Homemade tomato & cucumber soup, Cantonese tofu and tea soup, Cantonese sea food and winter melon soup, Thai curry and chicken soup
European party
Clockwise from top left: Slovenian mushroom and chorizo pizza, Polish barbecued cheese, Spanish mussel, calmar & chicken paella, Italian tagliatelle with cheese
Stern meat
Clockwise from top left: Beef steak with parsley; bacon on carbonara pasta; preserved duck crackling skin, roasted lamb leg
Sweet tooth fascination
Clockwise from top left: Strawberry, pineaple and peach cake; Cassis mousse; homemade Christmas chocolate cake; Churos.