My name is Rose Richards and I’m a 21 years old photographer from Lisbon, Portugal. I do many things on photography, but as an author I’m always on projects, I like to explore an idea in way to create concepts which allow me to express my world and what’s on my mind.
On October 2015 I started a new project titled “What We Are Made Of”, I say Dreams & Fears. I’m presenting the first part of this project, I photographed the dreams of these 12 people, myself included because I’m a daydreamer and as the author of the project, I’m made of dreams.
What keeps the human being alive – dreaming. Since we born, every piece of our world is giving to us and we capture it in our way. Most of the ways are wrong but is that bad at all? I mean is it bad to put limits in our dreams? Thought in something that might is impossible to the eyes of some people, but to us it means the world? I dare to say no. We shall never put limits to our objectives. Because nothing is impossible. Unless you stop trying some things can be more difficult to conquer.
More info: Facebook
The American Dream: Rose Richards (Self Portrait)
Origins: Inês Morais
Fearless: Inês Pinto
Duality: Filipa Yue
Landscape Photographer: Jaime Prates
Loveless: Catarina Inácio
Illustrator: Inês Cunha
Childhood: Filipa Rocha
Showless: Rute Ellis
Drummer: Vicente Saraiva
Traveler: Filipe Moço
Mermaid: Cíntia Matias
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