I love dogs and beaches. I have been strolling around Bali beaches for years, and befriend a lot of dogs along the way. I adopted one myself, I love him dearly and with him and these friends, our beach walks are never dull.
1. We don’t stay near beaches we patronize, but the efforts are worth it.
2. We exchange knowledge with other dog lovers we meet along the way, but mostly don’t know the histories of these dogs
3. Some of them we meet as puppies and watch them grow up. In this picture, these two are mother and daughter.
4. Some disappear and we never see them again after initial meeting.
5. Some are claimed to be owned by street vendors near their territories.
6. Some are kept and taken care by the locals who live around there.
7. Some ‘change’ their territories, sometimes we find them in different areas.
8. Some are ‘adopted’, but we still see them roaming the beaches by themselves..
9. Some claimed they belong to them, but we wonder if they really care about their welfare.
10. Even though they are strays, there are efforts by kind-hearted people; medication, feeding, sterilization, vaccination.
11. Unfortunately, there are also people who are cruel to them.
12. People continue to abandon their dogs once they are not cute anymore, when they are sick, and when the owners fail to teach them behaviours that they prefer.
13. Some consider strays as filthy, aggressive and disturbing. Yeah, they exist.
14. These kids are just as affectionate, loyal and loving.
15. Most are better-behaved than humans.
16. They need food, but they also enjoy companion and love.
17. Some we meet for a day or two, and we have no idea where they are.
18. Some are our long term friends and they normally hang around certain territories.
19. They seem to have good intuitions about ‘good’ and ‘bad’ humans.
20. Some warm up to us straightaway, others need more time.
I've always believed that we, humans, don't deserve dogs. Truly we don't. I loved this post so much! Thank you for this!
I've always believed that we, humans, don't deserve dogs. Truly we don't. I loved this post so much! Thank you for this!