I wanted to steer my career in a different direction, more outside instead of inside behind the computer. So I took a flower growing course to learn to grow flowers, but I ended up in a dark studio photographing these gorgeous creatures that I have grown.
More info: Instagram
Don’t Cry over Spilled Milk
It’s Not Easy Being Green
More Wine Please
Clematis want’s to listen to Chopin
Loving Memories
Wherefore Art Thou
O Romeo
Juliet is Resting
Lilly Do You Have protection?
Lilly is going Out
Lilly wants to be alone
Resting Lilly
Spacing Rose
I miss my Dog
Ageing is Beautiful
You are suffocating me!
Just us Peonies
Where is my Yellow Plastic Bag
I Said: More Wine Please
Cotton Candy Bitch
Dancing Lilly
Plastic or Real?
White Trash
All Dressed up And nowhere to Go II
All Dressed up And nowhere to Go
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