I’ve always loved dragons. I was one of those kids obsessed with dinosaurs and dragons. Growing up I always collected dragons, problem was most where pricy or goofy looking. So I started making my own! I wanted to make dragons that children would not be afraid of without them being too cartoony or goofy. Oh and would not break the bank.
So Happy Dragons where born (um hatched) Cute little collectable dragon figurines ready to protect your smallest treasures.
My original sculptures are made with polymer clay and epoxy clay. Happy Dragons to keep the cost down are cast in urethane resin. I made the originals from oil based clay, make my own mold with silicone, and hand paint each one.
More info: happy-dragons.com
Guardian Happy Dragon
Guardian is a natural protector – ready to defend its treasure and family. It’s toughand gruff exterior conceals a warm andkind heart.Size 2.5″
Guardian Happy Dragon
Keeper Dragon
He’s only 3″ tall holding a clear glass marble and ready to protect your treasures
Playful is overflowing with endless
energy and enthusiasm. Playful lives life
by enjoying each moment – always looking
for the next great experience.
Shiny Happy Dragon
Shiny has a very mischievous and playful side.Keep an eye on Shiny as it will wander and findways to get into trouble. But, Shiny is also blessedwith good fortune and luck.Size 2.5″
Dreamer Happy Dragon
Happy Dragon – Dreamer lives in a world of fantasy and make believe.Blessed with an amazingly rich imagination,Dreamer wakes up each morning with a new,wonderful dream to follow.Size 2.5″
Stick! Happy Dragon
Large Commission Dragon and giraffe
This is a sample of a larger one-of-a-kind sculpture. Aside from the Happy Dragons line I also sculpt a few originals and commission pieces.
This order was fun to create.
One person collected giraffes one dragons so I made them both.
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