Emoji project is a palpable representation of pictographs, which have become an integral part of communicating in the virtual world. By turning digital images into tangible art objects I transform the language of pictograms, which sometimes substitutes natural languages, into the category of the modern cultural symbols. Pixels become yarn stitches and emojis themselves, instead of being images to be selected with just one click, become an object, and a lot of effort is required to create it. Thusly, emojis lose their main function, which is being a means of quick communication, and instead acquire the uniqueness of a valuable art object.
This project was first presented at Art Miami week (2019).
More info: katika-art.com | Facebook | Instagram | twitter.com
Share on Facebookthose are really cool!!! You did an incredible job. Did you weave all the ends in, thats the worst part of hooking.
those are really cool!!! You did an incredible job. Did you weave all the ends in, thats the worst part of hooking.