I don’t know why we don’t have Medicare for All. How can we send billions to other countries and yet our politicians claim there is no money to provide us what I believe is a right? How dare our politicians proclaim their support to our military and yet watch them be forced to create an online campaign to raise money due to their injuries. Our healthcare is confusing and causes a lot of harm to those who need it. People have to decide whether or not to pay the rent or pay for treatment. Both Republicans and Democrats give us crumbs and expect us to be happy with their fake attempts to provide a system that can actually help people who need medical attention.

So why am I talking about healthcare alongside a silly short film that looks ridiculous? Why is there a guy with a fake mustache claiming he understands ‘the pain and suffering on the battlefield’ to a wounded patient? What’s up with the vacuum that seems to come out of nowhere?

To understand this, you have to look a little deeper into my work. I don’t like to spell things out, but if you pay attention, you’ll see I’m concerned about our failed system that might as well throw dodgeballs at someone who is in pain. Why do so many Americans have to fall into poverty when they need help medically? Why do we get lip service from people who don’t have to worry about paying for their medical bills or their loved ones who fall ill?

Each year, a politician says they’ll ‘clean up’ the healthcare system, but once in office, nothing happens. Both parties do it. They’ll tell a heartfelt story about how they somehow survived or know someone who benefited from doctors, but somehow we never seem to get Medicare for all. There are always excuses, and when you learn they are getting paid by lobbyists who pay them to make sure we don’t get ‘free healthcare’ (mind you, our taxes pay for it), we then fight amongst ourselves, forgetting our taxes keep bailing out Wall Street. Why are we okay with our taxes paying off big corporations and not helping regular people?


It’s crazy to me that we have a system that is funded by our taxes and yet our money is spent on supporting big corporations that don’t care about us, and yet they have their stooges who claim they’re here for our benefit. They want us to fight for their right to take advantage of us. Most people don’t see a doctor till it’s too late because they know it could put them in debt for the rest of their lives. People try their best to have good health care on their own because they know the healthcare system is broken, and corporations know this and manipulate us by providing ‘healthy’ alternatives that are full of harmful chemicals that will eventually put us in the hospital, once again dependent on a failed one-sided healthcare system. This is why I wrote the text ‘health care’ after the title because we are forced to take care of ourselves because our healthcare system can refuse us the care we need and deserve. It’s not fair, it’s unjust, it’s confusing, and we’ll have to dodge as many painful truths as we get older and have to rely on a broken system.


This film is also funny, wonderfully weird so I hope you enjoy.

More info:

A weird short film – Dodgeball

Why is this weird guy so angry?

Strange man doing weird things saying confusing statements.


The patient dumbfounded by this strange man who hurls dodgeballs. at him speaking in confusing ways.

The patient not sure how to get out of this bad situation.

And so it begins.


Screenshot from the short film Dodgeball.