I grew up in Piešťany, a small spa town about an hour from Bratislava, the Slovak capital. It is an amazing place full of pleasant calm atmosphere, cafes and amazing park that stretches the whole city as the river Váh.
When I had a dog, I was spending a lot of time in the park. This is one of my favorite places in it.
This place is not the same today because someone stole fountain pipes that has long been broken. Even there are no longer so many benches. This model is about, how do I remember the place. Sometimes I am dreaming about it.
The fountain was designed by J. Hovorka and calls Pramene (water springs in Slovak language)
3D model takes me about a two weeks, because I just start to learn Blender.
Created in Blender
Rendered in Cycles
More info: laila.sk
Model parts
If you are wondering how the model looks from the top
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