Hi! I'm an animal lover, and I also love to make cute illustrations. Tapirs are some of my favorite animals and are often portrayed by me in various styles. But it's not enough! Recently I started to "tapirify" other animals! The tapirification process includes mostly the Malayan tapir's black and white pattern, sometimes a little trunk, and an overall adorable tapir look.
I had a lot of fun doing these little drawings, and I hope you like them! You can see much more on my Instagram account.
More info: Instagram
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Tapiroo (And Its Tapirootlet!)
Tapir Kiwi
Tapir Sloth
Tapir Wombat
Tapir Guinea Pig (Which Actually Exists, Under The Name Of "Dutch Guinea Pig")
Tapir Narwhal
Tapir Skunk
Tapir Giraffe
Tapir Bees
Tapir Flamingo
Tapir Koala
Tapir Elephant
Tapir Ray
Hmmm, What Happened Here? This Tapir Is Confused...
Tapiramide (A Pyramide Of Tapirs!)
Tapirate (Tapir Pirate)
WE ARE GOING INTO THE 3RD PRINTING OF OUR TAPIR T-SHIRT. TO order go to: the link below - Please remember - to ensure sustainability, these shirts are made to order. Please be patient on delivery. We are so glad you like the shirt. Baby Tapir t-shirt https://www.etsy.com/listing/1277180378/baby-tapir-shirt?click_key=956554856d556aed5ae10ac35a619c66a399b931%3A1277180378&click_sum=8039843e&ref=shop_home_active_1&crt=1&fbclid=IwAR3OVDxOS-0-37OncK6qsmtKIuXF-nphSE9rq2vnxNZnhr6MXLzTqIIJd7Y