I knit a mini version of my Grandfather’s house that he built in Newfoundland.
It doesn’t have every single room, but it is designed to look like a version of it that appears in a book I wrote about spending summers with him and contains things that reflect all of the lovely activities we did together: knitting, reading, baking fresh bread, and spending afternoons drinking cups of tea.
We often had lobster for supper and, yes, the house even has a tiny crustacean and pot!
More info: Instagram
Let’s take a peek!
I designed the outside so that it looks like the one inside the jacket of the book :)
The roof comes off to reveal the inside…
The kitchen is where we probably spend the most time!
Baking fresh bread…
Drinking cups of tea…
And sometimes even having a lobster boil for supper!
Here’s the living room…
Where we finish most days, sitting in his chair, knitting or reading, by the light of a lantern.
Here’s how it all comes together!
Share on FacebookMIND. BLOWN 🤯 How do you knit such tiny things?!?! The needles must be like toothpicks lol
MIND. BLOWN 🤯 How do you knit such tiny things?!?! The needles must be like toothpicks lol