I Illustrate My Conversation With My Cat, And It Shows How It Is To Be An Adult.
My cat Potato and I have really deep conversation about meaning of life, being famous, leading a good life. He teaches me all that because he has one, and I want one.
En-route to Being Famous
My cat has demanded ransom to pose for me. He refuses. And, thinks I am pulling off a Kim-Kardashian by posting his nude pics online to become famous. Truth is, I AM!
The Belly Rub Rewards
Yes, every time I procrastinate and decide to lie where ever I am, my cat comes and rewards me extra belly-rubs for exact 30 seconds.
Sucky Mornings
My cat is confident, I struggle with adulting, and keeping it all together. He makes sure I know it.
Just Meow!
Touche’, Potato, Touche’.
The reason why I can have good things in life, my cat. He makes sure of that every time I get something beautiful.
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