I have a strong affection to wolfs, like I imagine our soul and universe made up from fighting wolfs. Thats why I draw them in galaxy set ups,

surrounded by stars. However that was not enough for me. My desire was to wear them everywhere. So I made t-shirts, sweatshirt, bags and other cool stuff from them. ^^

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    Star Wolf backpack. The bag is hand sewn, also I made the printing too. The stars are holographic.

    Okami t-shirt. Also love to draw shrooms and skulls.

    Soul Wolf T-shirt. Alchemy symbols are also one of my fauvorite thing to draw.


    Soul Wolf backpack. The bag is hand sewn, also I made the printing too. And thats me on the picture, I need to study sometimes too, not just drawing. :)


    This is my Glitched Wolves design. One of my fauvorite! The bag is hand sewn, also I made the printing too.

    Sometimes I loved to make shiney mugs from my desgins.

    Glitched Wolves backpack. The bag is hand sewn, also I made the printing too.


    Soul Wolf T-shirt.

    Star Wolf gold mug. Omg I love shiney things! Maybe I am a magpie. :D

    I’ ve made jackets too.


    Soul wolf backpack. The bag is hand sewn, also I made the printing too.