I am a fine art photographer from Russia and photography helps me a lot in understanding myself and other people. This is my new project about fears we have.


People are afraid.

They are afraid of many things. The fear holds them down, steals life energy and makes their life resembling a nightmare.

On the one hand, being afraid is an essential thing in human’s life. The fear can serve good. However, on the other hand, I am writing not about natural fear for your life, but about inner fears that limit us.

A lot of people are afraid of something new, they can’t step outside their comfort zone. Their days look like well rehearsed plays in a small theatre – artisticly played, but seen a hundred times already. Other are afraid of disapproval, they get used to hide their true opinion, they are dissolved in the opinion of others. We shouldn’t also forget about the fear of loneliness. Great many of people spend their lifetime with those they do not love, because they do not want at any second of their life to be left alone. It can also be that three fears stated above can find their shelter together in one specific person. In this case it is hard to envy him.

I believe that one should content his fears. They should not interfere with the life joy. It demands a great amount of time, a positive result can’t be guaranteed. However, if one doesn’t fight his fears, he may sooner or later completely obey to his fears, loosing his true self. Fears play important role in our lives. One should not underestimate such a worthy rival.



Model: Ksenia Zaikova, Ilya Medvedev, Stas Medvedev

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