I find it’s hard to be “happy” on this planet. I need breaks and I hope to take some of you with me for a moment. I want my stupid jokes to amuse you, and I want some of these puns to hit the G(roan) spot.

Being AWARE all the time is exhausting and makes some of us mean…to ourselves or to others. So we find little ways to escape for a moment. Coffee, meditation, head banging…we all need a fix.

It’s not wasting time. It’s self care. Before I take on the world, I have to get my head straight. I have to stop being a dick to myself so I can do something.

My self care is drawing comics. I’ve doodled them for years and started publishing when the cat demanded it. Cat’s are hard to ignore when they want something.

If you’re into consuming art as escapism, I invite you to join me on this Whisky journey.

Whisky is a big fluffy ball of jokes, nerdom, art, and empathy. He’s kinda sketchy, wears lots of different jammies, and frequently shape shifts or visits space on his donut cruiser. He helps me with my darker feels. Whisky yells at them for me. He’s good at screaming into the void.

More info: Instagram


    Sometimes Whisky is just a normal cat. He loves bags.


    He loves good long naps.

    He made me sign his clause….


    Sometimes he’s based on true stories….

    He loves his dad. His dad is a Turkey. Named Turkey. Super creative.

    He loves jokes!

    He can set these up all day…


    There’s always more…

    We were watching letterkenny when we wrote this….

    He hears words wrong sometimes and has to get clarifications….

    Is it…?



    We mentioned puns right? And the shapeshifting? Snek Form!

    Super shady stuff.


    Sometimes we make comics as gifts for our fans. This is sweet Takun.

    And Ginger. She’s very pretty.

    Asami. She’s a solar charged brat.

    Jinx. He’s the coolest boy ever. Big mood here.

    Connor really likes farting under beards. It’s his jam.

    Corrie is an expert climber.


    More true stories….how many electronics has your cat destroyed?

    Cause mine is trying to set a record…damnit Steve!

    Turkey is a big punker. He gets sad, and whisky knows. He purrs.

    When normal cat stuff collides with puns…

    Teaching foster brothers to be bestest kitties

    Nerding out!! Whisky loves rolling stealth checks for his prey….


    It’s always his answer. He’s a caaaaaaaat!

    He’s obsessed with space and wants to show you his *

    Whisky likes art references.

    He likes to talk back to the feels. With puns of course.

    AND HE SCREAMS!!!!!!

    His dad is a mysterious character. We still don’t know much about turkey…


    We do know Turkey is Queer, like his creator. And he loves music.

    Yeah they both know they’re in a comic. I couldn’t hide it from them.

    I’m glad they have each other. It’s not easy living in a head full of worry.y.