Demon Slayer is a manga and anime series that tells the story of a boy who tries to turn his demon sister back into a human. In order to achieve his goal, he joins a group of demon exterminators organization while trying to find a way to cure his younger sister. A quite simple story, spectacular animation graphics, and unique character designs make this series get a significant increase in popularity lately.

Character design is one of the things that is quite unique in this series. The characters are designed differently without giving over-the-top feels. One particularly interesting group is Pilar (or Hashira), a high ranking demon exterminator. They are the nine people known as the strongest demon slayer that capable of matching the top ranks of the Demons. This nine people with their unique design catch my attention to work on the #MyDoodleLife project with the Demon Slayer theme.

The #MyDoodleLife Project itself is a a little project to incorporate an illustrated character into a real photo, making the image interact with the environment in the photo. I mostly take the source of the image from Instagram, and I share the results back on Instagram and tag original owner of the photo. The goal, of course, is not to steal any photos of other people, but to add a different perspective to existing photos. As my slogan says: “Your Job is to take the best picture. My Job is to make it even better (…or worse, you decide)”

You can enjoy my other works on the account or simply by searching the keyword #MyDoodleLife

More info: Instagram


    Pillar of Water, the man that (not) disliked by many

    Pillar of Insect, an angry, cute butterfly

    Pillar of Flame, the ill-fated best boi


    Pillar of Sound, loves all beautiful things

    Pillar of Wind, the soft boi that covers by roughness

    Pillar of Love, well, the name tells it all


    Pillar of Serpent, as always, smooth as snake


    Pillar of Stone, the strongest of them all

    Pillar of Mist, the wandering mind

    Bonus: Nezuko!! Who can resist this smoll baby, a good girl (who sometimes) gone bad(ass)