My name is Adam and professionally I work with social media, in my free time I draw comics. My passion for cartoons started in high school when I started a little project with my best friend. One of us drew the comics and the other had to fill in the speech bubbles. It was fun! That’s also when Louise and Greta were created – two fine ladies, suffragettes, from the 19th century. Greta (in the black dress) is cheerful, spontaneous, and stupid. Louise (in the green dress) is reasonable, shy, but can throw a biting comment now and then. After fifteen years, I decided to start drawing again and post my pictures on Instagram.
A few months ago I posted some comics here on Bored Panda and asked the community to fill in the speech bubbles. A lot of great and funny ideas came in, so here it comes again: post your ideas in the comments and let’s create new funny comics together.
If you like it, find my other posts on Bored Panda and follow me on Instagram!
More info: Instagram
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