My art tends to lean towards the surreal, and recently I’ve been finding some interesting things within my photo collages.
It all starts in reflection. I combine parts of two or three photos together in an editing suite, then use a mirroring function to create symmetry within the picture. From there I start to see a ‘being’ forming itself. What’s next is adding another layer in the collage, or warping/mutating aspects of the photo to more fully bring it into the forefront. The last step is often finding the right set of eyes. (I’ve found that birds’ eyes, with their black orb-like quality, work really well.)
The key to the process is recognizing that the being has always been there, waiting to be seen amongst pictures of coral, succulents, flowers, jellyfish, you name it. All it needs is patience and someone to help it come to fruition.
I enjoy these little photo experiments and look forward to seeing where they go next. Getting to see how a flower may become a woods’ spirit or an extraterrestrial visitor is a great joy. It also helps me look at the world around me with a different set of eyes. What will appear next?
More info: Instagram