You know how sometimes you should be doing this one task, but you just have to check your cell phone? Happens to all of us…

Personally, I’ve seen a few recently – The clerk at my bank, the salesperson at the store’s cashier, the delivery guy from the Supermarket and more. Sure, they do their job, but all the while they hold on to the miracle device – their cell phone!

That’s how I got my idea for BZ cell phone stands, showing people I nominated for the job of holding your phone working hard… on their own cell phones! Taking a selfie, scrolling their feed or reading the last news update, the little helpers keep themselves busy while holding your cell phone.

BZ smartphone holder is made of Metal and colored black. It’s lightweight but sturdy and can hold your phone horizontally or vertically for many different uses, such as watching a video, screening a recipe while cooking, and keeping your phone ready to use on your office desk or counter.

Give Like Mike, Selfie Stephi, Tweet Pete and Feed Reid a chance to do the job of holding your phone. On the bright side, at least they can multitask…

More info:


    Feed Reid is busy refreshing his feed. Again.


    BZ – Smartphone Holder – “FEED Reid”

    Artori Design – BZ – Smartphone Holders


    Tweet Pete writing a short and witty reply to a friend.

    BZ – Smartphone Holder – “TWEET Pete”

    BZ – Smartphone Holder – “LIKE Mike”

    Like Mike deciding which Insta page deserves his like.


    BZ – Smartphone Holder – “SELFIE Stephi”

    Selfie Stephi showing what an excellent hair day she’s having.

    BZ – Smartphone Holder – “SELFIE Stephi”