Today is World Whale Day, an event started in Maui, Hawaii, in 1980, to raise awareness and to protect these majestic sea creatures and their habitat. But this is no backyard nature conservation event! It's also a fun opportunity to participate in The Maui Whale Festival, that will feature a parade, live music, and other festivities!
Though humpback whales can reach the length up to 16 meters, weigh around 30 tonnes, and travel up to 25.000 kilometers a year, these sea mammals are still endangered due to overfishing, noise pollution, and sea vehicle collisions. In spite of their voluminous size, the latter is the most common cause of serious injuries and death of the whales. Once hunted to the brink of extinction, now the population of this marine animal has recovered to around 80.000 of them worldwide; the humpbacks still need our protection to live and thrive.
This leviathan of a list is Bored Panda's way of taking part and letting you join, in these World Whale Day festivities. Which sea animal photo do you find the most inspiring? Do you have some whale pictures of your own? Vote or submit your pics below!
More info: mauiwhalefestival.orgThis post may include affiliate links.
Whale Whisperers
I don´t like the first one. No matter what anyone will say, that courtain of bubbles and that croud of divers so close to a cuf and its mam IS stressing. All other photos are just fabulous!
Gentoo And Adélie Penguins Watching Humpback Show
Humback Whale And Diver Shake Hands
A Curious Beluga Whale
An Albino Humpback Whale
Under Water
Mother And Baby
Paddle Boarding With Whales In Esperance, Western Australia
Man Face To Face With Whale
Humpback Whale
I live humpback whales the most! Just the sheer size of them is so majestic!
What Lies Beneath
It would be funny if the whale just kept popping up out of nowhere just to mess with the boaters
Seal Surfing On A Whale
Reminds me of the crow who hitch hiked on the eagle. That would be really cool though, surfing on a whale. Awesome.
Tail Of Southern Right Whale
Gray Whale In Grice Bay
Big Baby, Tonga
Nature Photographer Gets An Amazing Shot Of A Humpback Whale
Smiling Beluga Whale
Mother Whale And Albino Calf
Sleeping Sperm Whales
Whale Shoots A Rainbow Off Newport Beach Coast
Humpback Whale And Calf
Pilot Whale
Humpback Whale Calf Dancing With Diver
A Humpback Whale Calf Swims In The Waters Of Tonga’s Vava’u Islands
Whale Watchers Look The Wrong Way
Humans: "There should be whales in the area..." Whale: "Tee hee, I'm so sneaky!"
Go Into The Light And Fluke - Winter In Colourful Norway!
Whale And Man Meet
Humpback Whale
It's amazing how deep the ocean is. Like a never ending portal to another world. Absolutely beautiful with the whale
Whale Tail
Who's Looking At Whom?
I've always felt that being able to look into a whales eye is like seeing wisdom and our past and it's just something that defies explanation. I feel a great sense of peace, awe, respect and love every time I see a picture of a whale. Maybe I can see them in real life some day.
A Beluga Whale Banana's Itself While Rubbing Its Skin On The Rocks
The Journey
Whale - Dancer
Sperm Whales Off The Azores
Partial Sequence Of A Brown Pelican Mistakenly Ingested, Getting Free Of A Humpback Whale's Maw
A Humpback While Taking A Mouth Full Of Fresh Herring
Humpback Whale Brings Rainbow
Whale In Pacific Ocean
Whale Mother And Calf Pair
To The Surface
Not A Bad Id Photo ;-)
Humpback Whale With Underwater Photographer
A Humpback Whale Shows Its Fluke
Fly Like A Bird
Humpy Ballet - Hawaiian Style
Mother And Baby Humpback Whales
I've seen this before on Channel 13, It's really cool how the whales do this.
Sperm Whale Near Mauritius Island Coast
Humpback Whale Tail
Humpback Whale Breach
Humpback Whale
Humpback Breeches Off Cape Cod.
Humpback Whale And The Sky
Curious Whale
Whales Hervery Bay
Humpback Whale Near Maui
Jumpy Humpy
Humpback Whale
Humpback Whale Pops Up Behind Me In Dominican Republic
Tail Wag
Sperm Whale Bull Washes Up On Norfolk Coast
These are all beautiful, but can't you be more specific about "today"? I'm sure this article will be viewed tomorrow as well and will be in the future at any random day, so please, specify the dates from now on.....
Stunning photography and even more so for these beautiful creatures. Also agree with Daria on the topic of the actual date being listed :P
These are all beautiful, but can't you be more specific about "today"? I'm sure this article will be viewed tomorrow as well and will be in the future at any random day, so please, specify the dates from now on.....
Stunning photography and even more so for these beautiful creatures. Also agree with Daria on the topic of the actual date being listed :P