During three weeks, french and canadian army trained together during a special exercice called « Chevalier Tricolore ».
They made a 1000 kilometers long ride with snowmobiles and experiment survival skills into the nature.
More info: fred-marie.com
The canadian HQ near Quebec City
Brieffing before the raid start
Choosing the right equipment to survive by -40°C
Teaching how create a “home” in difficult condition
Using the right equipment to survive
Perception of guns before leaving the base
French soldiers learn how to use canadian gun
Leaving the base
The adventure begin with difficult weather
Soldiers will ride 1000 kilometers across the country
The ride during the night is very intense
Hopefully, the canadian logistic is here to help them
One of the main officer working on the mission
Soldiers make “local friends”
In the mourning, the temperature is very freezing : -30°C
The ride continue in the forest
And also on frozen lake and river
The most difficult is the wind on this frozen lake
At the end of the day, the temperature feels like -45°C according to the main officer here.
Tiredness is also the enemy
Every soldier have to carry his weapon and full equipment all the time
It’s also quite difficult to stay in the right direction in the night
At the end of the day, soldiers can have some rest inside a gym for this night
The day after, they have several activities planned for them
Today, they can try sled dog ride
A first for most of the french soldiers
The main officier of this special mission
Tactical exercice take place also during the raid
French and canadian soldiers can work together
They are brought to work together as part of NATO
“Family” pic
At the sunrise, before leaving the camp
last briefing of the mission
and time to pack material
Near the Saint-Laurent river, soldiers tried another special activity
climbing on ice !
At the end of the day, and of the mission, they can have a warm rest.
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