I and my jewelry studio are inspired by archeological finds dated to Viking time. We create pendants based on historical things such as amulets and signs for our ancestors.
We are changing a bit the ancient model to make it look modern and stylish. We are adding black leather cords with animal heads for necklaces to save its Celtic style. I present here my favorite jewelry. I hope we will make more historical things.
Thor’s Hammer replica from jewelry found on Gotland’s island dated IX-X
Replica from Bredsatra’s Thor’s Hammer dated IX-X
Wolf cross pendant
Replica of jewelry from the Icelandic National Museum. The original of our pendant was found in an open field near Fossey in the Hrunamannahreppuri region of Iceland and is dated to the 10th century AD.
The axe was found in place of Mammen in the burial of a noble warrior. Dated 960
This Slavic hatchet is a replica of an archaeological finding dating the 11th–12th centuries
The axe (or Perun Axe) is double-sided and decorated with an ornament of circles, which probably means celestial bodies.