I’m a little excited to tell you that my first coloring book is now for released on Amazon. It’s called „Southern Europe Cities: a coloring book of my favorite cities on the Mediterranean Sea and Portugal”. https://www.amazon.com/Southern-Europe-Cities-favourite-Mediterranean/dp/B08MRW6MZV/ref=pd_rhf_ee_p_img_1?_encoding=UTF8&psc=1&refRID=0ZX6Y4VEYVACTFM3SS66 It includes 51 cities from Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Portugal. On the every right page there is a main view of the city, or for me personally, the most interesting buiding from there and on the left there are some additional sketches to catch the feel of the city. I started working on it in August. I kept on asking about your favourite cities from Italy, Spain, France, Greece and Portugal. I included most of your suggestions, including the fact that Portugal is on Atlantic not Mediterranean :3 The book is self published and I have no idea how to promote my own book so any tips appreciated #southerneuropecities #citycoloringbook #coloringbook #colouringbook #coloringbookforadults #coloringbookaboutcities #citiescoloringbook #art #selfpublish#coloringbookaboutcities
More info: behance.net