I Created A Photo Series Celebrating Mom’s Who Agree That “Fed Is Best”
“It takes a village mamas. Find your tribe, the women who feed you. They feed your soul and maybe, more importantly, your stomach. They support you, constantly. They take your calls and answer your crazy, frenzied texts. They offer up their own fails to you as a sacrifice of their pride when you are feeling your lowest. They care about you and for you, and they couldn’t give one damn about the way you feed your baby. Because, they know, that fed babies are best.”
My husband works for a construction management company, so every few years we pack up our lives and move to a new state. We have filled 4 Uhauls in 4 years. Upon moving to NC at the beginning of this year, I was feeling in a bit of a creative rut. One of my resolutions for my business this year was to complete a photo series about something I was passionate about. This happened to coincide with my son’s first birthday which also meant we had made it one year breastfeeding.
Breastfeeding was my biggest struggle with motherhood. It is a wonderful way to bond and feed your baby, but it can be easy to be touched out and frustrated with the isolation. I wanted to share these feelings of triumph with other mothers, and showcase their own journeys. After all, moms are feeding their babies everywhere and in every way.
They do it while they parent their other children, while they work, while they sleep. It is a beautiful sacrifice of self when your children are so small. The images I’ve included were a total labor of love to celebrate these moms and mom’s everywhere.
More info: kenistonfamilyphotography.weebly.com
Sarah & Emerson (& Jackson)
Hannah & Grace
Karla & Chase
Ashley & JT
Ashley & JT (&Felicity)
Ginny & Joseph
Ginny & Joseph
Connie & Mia
Connie & Mia (& Olivia)
Knyata & Harper
Knyata & Harper
Nicole & Riley
Nicole & Raleigh
Caitlin & Teagen
Caitlin & Teagen
Jennifer & Kanan
Sarah & Emerson
Jennifer & Kanan
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