The original idea came from this post, and I was like, "wow, I want to do one too!" So I created some questions for other people to share their opinions and stories.
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If You Could Fast-Forward To Any Time Of Your Life, What Time Would It Be?
I wouldn't want to fast forward coz you can miss some of the good things.
What Is Your Dream Utopia?
Unmerciful justice for corrupt politicians and real criminals (rapists, murderers, child molesters...)
If All Pets Were Legal, What Animal Would You Have?
If You Could Have Any Power, What Would It Be?
If You Could Meet One Celebrity, Who Would It Be?
What Is Your Favorite Bored Panda Post?
What Is Your Favorite Font?
I like Caveat (and other handwriting fonts) because it looks more natural rather than just bland fonts like Times New Roman or Arial
If You Could Go Back To Any Past Event, When Would It Be?
There's a lot of horrible things that happened but for now I'd go to Kobe's helicopter before he got on it and warn them to not get on? Idk he'd think I was a psycho stalker and get me arrested lol. I probably would go to my little brother's adoption and get him adopted into our family rather than the one he's in now (they're nice but I always wished I had a younger brother, so I could treat him the way my older brothers never treated me)
What Is Your Favorite Game?
If You Could Repeat One Year For The Rest Of Your Life, What Year Would It Be?
There is not one year I would ever like a repeat performance of.
If You Could Perfect Any Skill, What Would It Be?
Drawing or playing piano or trombone, I'm not very good at either... or like talking to people because I cannot socialize
how to learn my language and culture, Samoa,I am half samoan and half white
Drawing... I do freestyle. No proportion helpers for me! Which is why I only draw dragons well with tutorials...
I would love to draw and be able to properly illustrate the picture I drew. I'd definitely want to dance so I could do the High School Musical choreography and the dances from Disney Channel Original Movies. I'd also want to be able to go up to any random person at school or somewhere (like a party) and just talk and make friends with people.
What Would Be Your Definition Of A Perfect Day?
The weather would be perfect and I would be sitting in a hammock, reading, outside of cabin in the woods with the sound of wildlife surrounding me and my best friend would be there with me because I miss her so much.
What Is One Word To Describe Yourself?
What Is Your Favorite Drink?
If You Could Change The World In Any Way, What Would It Be?
No racism, spread positivity, help the homeless, help foster kids, any a-hole people can go live on Mars