Inspired by the magnificent Pinocchio Movie and the genius of Guillermo del Toro I have created this piece entitled “Ciao Papa”. And of course, also inspired by the music of Alexandre Desplat who used only wooden instruments for the composition. It took countless hours and days to create this piece… which only gives me a vague idea of the work that went into such a magnificent film.
Disclaimer: No guitars were harmed in the making of this piece. I used a 20-year-old guitar that was donated to me many years ago. When I got the guitar it was already broken. I guess the original owner gave a good concert and smashed the guitar at the end! This broken guitar was waiting to come to life again for over 15 years. She was just waiting for the right way to come back. She did it in a different way… but what a way to come back!
More info:
Guitar turned into a diorama
The interior is all hand made from scratch
Light design for the diorama
A little bit of the built and production process
The piece has real working lights
Pinocchio inside the guitar
Homenage to Guillermo del Toro’s Pinocchio
Ciao Papa
Animating with stop motion technique
Mio Papa.
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