Last year I built this small safe space for my cats so they can enjoy being outside without risking the usual dangers for outdoor cats.
This is what the garden looked like before
Under construction…
I used old cable reels to build the catwalks
Now my cats could enjoy the sun
From above
Share on FacebookIf I made one for my cats it would have to be more cage like - have the sides extend to make a roof like structure because they would be out of there so fast! I think they would enjoy it a lot and so would I Nice chair a book - Heaven on earth!
Wow, it looks beautiful! Well done! Gorgeous cats as well. I do hope you made seating for yourself too to watch them. Only one adjustment needed, and that is in the title of this post: It's a safe place. (f vs v). "Save" means to store, put away for later (saving it for later, a save-point in games is where you store your progess), rescue (I am saved - I am rescued from a dangerous/critical situation). "Safe" means free fom danger, away from harm. (I am safe - I am not in danger).
If I made one for my cats it would have to be more cage like - have the sides extend to make a roof like structure because they would be out of there so fast! I think they would enjoy it a lot and so would I Nice chair a book - Heaven on earth!
Wow, it looks beautiful! Well done! Gorgeous cats as well. I do hope you made seating for yourself too to watch them. Only one adjustment needed, and that is in the title of this post: It's a safe place. (f vs v). "Save" means to store, put away for later (saving it for later, a save-point in games is where you store your progess), rescue (I am saved - I am rescued from a dangerous/critical situation). "Safe" means free fom danger, away from harm. (I am safe - I am not in danger).