I Am You, And I Wrote This For You
There are many things that occupy our energy and time on a daily basis. Not knowing what to do to “make things better” can be unnerving and discouraging. If we choose to be here for each other we can make things better. Do these things and let me know how it changes your world. I hope that this helps those in mind and any others that may find it useful.
WE MUST ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES. This is most important. Our bodies are intricate and sensitive instruments. Listen to them. Think about how limiting it is when our backs hurt or when we can’t sleep. A toothache or headache can put us to bed. As we get older, we realize that these ailments are the result of neglecting and abusing ourselves with everything from food to stress. Whatever our age, we must begin to treat ourselves with love and respect. It is NOT selfish to take care of ourselves. We must in order to take care of others. We cannot do anything if our physical bodies stop working. It’s good practice to enjoy our pleasures in moderation while reveling in a foundation of healthy, feel-good, “I LOVE ME” habits. Here are a few basics.
1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables AND drink plenty of water. Simply put, it will minimize toxins in our bodies, leading to feeling better and being healthier. This is not to say that we can’t have anything else, but these are best for us and should make up the majority of our diet, if not all of it. There are so many benefits that we can and will enjoy and come to know.
2. If something hurts, STOP and CHECK. Keep in mind that activity, exercise, and growth, both physical and spiritual, will sometimes hurt and leave us tired and sore, but any activity that causes surprising and intense pain is more than likely an injury, especially if the pain persists. If it’s not an injury, pain could indicate serious issues. If unsure, we must consult our professionals. We must consult whomever we trust most as this is just as important as going to the professional for the initial purpose. There could be a simple solution.
3. Exercise AND love it. We don’t always have to go to the gym. When we plant our gardens, play a game, sweep our floors, read, sing out loud, stretch, dance, ride our bikes, or go bowling, we are exercising. Whether we take a walk or brain train, it’s good for us. It’s also easier to do and better for us if we enjoy it. Let’s flex all of our muscles, use them, and ENJOY BEING ourselves. Don’t overdo it, but have fun, and enjoy the excellent health it brings.
4. W.R.A.P. yourself in GRATITUDE. Understand that life happens . . . often in unpredictable or sometimes undesirable ways depending on how we chose to look at things. . When we’re in the thick of it, sometimes it doesn’t help that things “could’ve been worse” or that “someone else has it worse”. Though easier said than done, we must not attach ourselves to this hopelessness. We are entitled to our feelings. Remember to W.R.A.P. Wait, Rest, And Process. Then we go further and push harder with the knowledge and experience we gained. Open our hearts and eyes. Dig deeper. What’s in it for us? Pull out our super strength, and with gratitude, take the experience, the lesson, and the knowledge we gained to share with others. NEVER be ashamed. The more grateful we are, the more we will see the solution, the gift, and the good in the situation. Gratefulness will become our happiness and this will open the door for more opportunities. Trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be and that the things and experiences we don’t have, as well as those that we do, are for our good; no matter how lost or hurt we may feel. We must be strengthened in our spirits, open in our minds and hearts, and feed our being the way this life experience should. Hold on. It takes time. Don’t give up.
5. Understand that no one is perfect. We are human. We are all different so that we can gain the most knowledge about this world. This includes us and what we are and are not capable of. It takes all kinds to make us. Seeing what we don’t want helps us to understand and visualize what we do want for ourselves, our children, and others we love as well as the world we live in. Additionally, people of all kinds are necessary to help us all to grow or even simply deal with who we are now. Be gentle with yourselves. Try to be gentle with others though not at your own expense. That would defeat the purpose. See the division between us. Instead of accepting hate or indifference toward those who feel separate, we can choose to understand why and gain knowledge and more vision regarding what we want and begin the journey towards our new world. I know it sounds like a load, but if we think about it, collectively, we are the world, and the world is ours. It starts with us. We are all in this together. We are us.
Until next time . . . I love you.
Fly With Me
There are many things that occupy our energy and time on a daily basis. Not knowing what to do to “make things better” can be unnerving and discouraging. If we choose to be here for each other we can make things better. Do these things and let me know how it changes your world. I hope that this helps those in mind and any others that may find it useful.
WE MUST ALWAYS TAKE CARE OF OURSELVES. This is most important. Our bodies are intricate and sensitive instruments. Listen to them. Think about how limiting it is when our backs hurt or when we can’t sleep. A toothache or headache can put us to bed. As we get older, we realize that these ailments are the result of neglecting and abusing ourselves with everything from food to stress. Whatever our age, we must begin to treat ourselves with love and respect. It is NOT selfish to take care of ourselves. We must in order to take care of others. We cannot do anything if our physical bodies stop working. It’s good practice to enjoy our pleasures in moderation while reveling in a foundation of healthy, feel-good, “I LOVE ME” habits. Here are a few basics.
1. Eat lots of fruits and vegetables AND drink plenty of water. Simply put, it will minimize toxins in our bodies, leading to feeling better and being healthier. This is not to say that we can’t have anything else, but these are best for us and should make up the majority of our diet, if not all of it. There are so many benefits that we can and will enjoy and come to know.
2. If something hurts, STOP and CHECK. Keep in mind that activity, exercise, and growth, both physical and spiritual, will sometimes hurt and leave us tired and sore, but any activity that causes surprising and intense pain is more than likely an injury, especially if the pain persists. If it’s not an injury, pain could indicate serious issues. If unsure, we must consult our professionals. We must consult whomever we trust most as this is just as important as going to the professional for the initial purpose. There could be a simple solution.
3. Exercise AND love it. We don’t always have to go to the gym. When we plant our gardens, play a game, sweep our floors, read, sing out loud, stretch, dance, ride our bikes, or go bowling, we are exercising. Whether we take a walk or brain train, it’s good for us. It’s also easier to do and better for us if we enjoy it. Let’s flex all of our muscles, use them, and ENJOY BEING ourselves. Don’t overdo it, but have fun, and enjoy the excellent health it brings.
4. W.R.A.P. yourself in GRATITUDE. Understand that life happens . . . often in unpredictable or sometimes undesirable ways depending on how we chose to look at things. . When we’re in the thick of it, sometimes it doesn’t help that things “could’ve been worse” or that “someone else has it worse”. Though easier said than done, we must not attach ourselves to this hopelessness. We are entitled to our feelings. Remember to W.R.A.P. Wait, Rest, And Process. Then we go further and push harder with the knowledge and experience we gained. Open our hearts and eyes. Dig deeper. What’s in it for us? Pull out our super strength, and with gratitude, take the experience, the lesson, and the knowledge we gained to share with others. NEVER be ashamed. The more grateful we are, the more we will see the solution, the gift, and the good in the situation. Gratefulness will become our happiness and this will open the door for more opportunities. Trust that we are exactly where we are meant to be and that the things and experiences we don’t have, as well as those that we do, are for our good; no matter how lost or hurt we may feel. We must be strengthened in our spirits, open in our minds and hearts, and feed our being the way this life experience should. Hold on. It takes time. Don’t give up.
5. Understand that no one is perfect. We are human. We are all different so that we can gain the most knowledge about this world. This includes us and what we are and are not capable of. It takes all kinds to make us. Seeing what we don’t want helps us to understand and visualize what we do want for ourselves, our children, and others we love as well as the world we live in. Additionally, people of all kinds are necessary to help us all to grow or even simply deal with who we are now. Be gentle with yourselves. Try to be gentle with others though not at your own expense. That would defeat the purpose. See the division between us. Instead of accepting hate or indifference toward those who feel separate, we can choose to understand why and gain knowledge and more vision regarding what we want and begin the journey towards our new world. I know it sounds like a load, but if we think about it, collectively, we are the world, and the world is ours. It starts with us. We are all in this together. We are us.
Until next time . . . I love you.