50 Self-Absorbed People Who Believed Everything Revolves Around Them Got Exposed On The “I’m The Main Character” Online Group
It’s perfectly normal to focus on your own interests and goals in life. As they say, you have to be the hero of your own story. But that shouldn’t let you become so full of yourself, you genuinely start to believe the world revolves only around you. Unfortunately, there are far too many people who assume exactly that.
Thanks to the I’m The Main Character subreddit, we see their ridiculous behavior out in the open. With 283K members and counting, this community is dedicated to sharing "videos, pics, and screenshots of people who think they are the main character," and rightfully blasting them online.
From feeling the right to have a photoshoot virtually anywhere to constantly asking "do you know who I am", Bored Panda has selected some of the best posts that vividly illustrate just how entitled some people can be. So continue scrolling, upvote the ones you enjoyed shaming most and let us know your thoughts in the comments!
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Someone Isn't Taking This Whole Wedding Thing Serious...
This Little Rodent Trying To Be The Centre Of Attention
You Ain't All That
People who act like self-absorbed, entitled jerks whose life needs to be the center of everyone’s attention often possess the main character syndrome. It’s probably safe to say that nearly everyone has encountered a person like this — whether they're an aspiring artist, influencer, or simply were told they deserve more and are better than everyone else ever since they were a child.
It’s important to note that the main character syndrome is not an actual condition. It’s rather a term that refers to someone who acts as if they’re the star in the movie about their life. And spotting such people is quite easy. They’re always at the center of drama and believe everyone from their manager to their neighbor is a villain or simply there to support their leading role.
Gas Is The Main Character Now
There’s Always Two Sides To The Story…
It's already borderline rude to interrupt his family outing and completely unacceptable to push his kids and then complain. Most celebrities are pretty cool when you ask them for selfies, but also please respect their privacy.
Facepalm Moment For The “Ig Baddie”
According to Phil Reed, Ph.D., a professor of psychology at Swansea University, the main character syndrome is a vague term that has more media and social media usage than scientific.
"The term refers to a wide range of behaviors and thoughts, but, at root, it is when somebody presents, or imagines, themself as the lead in a sort of fictional version of their life (usually their own, although sometimes, disturbingly, somebody else’s), and presents that 'life' through social media."
I Mean...
... So She Would Understand!!
Main Character Moment Irl
Not just the main character, but the goodest. That pup deserves an entire streetcar!
Sure, almost everyone showcases a slightly better version of themselves, especially online. Some folks engage in self-image manipulation because they feel the need to highlight their best and most memorable moments. At the same time, they tend to leave out the mundane. Usually, there are not that many things for people to promote and boast about in their daily routines. That’s why some come up with and share stories that would still make their life seem exciting.
Flexing Your Louis Vuitton Bag On The Rails That Transported Countless Jews To Their Death
Perhaps An OG Main Character?
What Can I Say
So now we can get into a Netflix series by sticking out your tongue and flexing your long red nails? Count me in!
Reed argued that presenting different aspects of themselves in different situations and contexts to highlight aspects of their personality is entirely acceptable. "In fact, this may make social interactions easier and safer."
But in contrast, "those with main character syndrome seem to want to be somebody else entirely. So, while almost everybody will self-present, to some extent, not everybody has main character syndrome."
It turns out that such a mentality can come with a sense of entitlement. Well, no wonder why. These characters can be delusional about their reality and often present a false image of themselves, believing they somehow deserve our attention by simply uploading countless photos of themselves and sharing their thoughts online. "Digital communication platforms make it easier for people to fall into the trap of main character syndrome," the professor explained.
Does This Count?
She didn't have any personality traits and by the time of her final malfunction I've been calling her either "hey you" or "my ball and chains" for so long that I've forgotten her name.
Your Parents Died? I’m Sorry But That Bothers Me
MC Gets Called Out
Reed also mentioned it could be suggested that main character syndrome "shares traits with psychological problems, like narcissistic personality disorder, and any disorder involving delusions." While this might only be the case for a minority of people, "this type of fantasy can lead to behaviors that eventually mimic those seen in personality disorders" if it becomes too rooted in the person's mind.
He continued: "Escape-maintained fantasy behaviors may also be a severe problem for those vulnerable to developing psychological issues, like anxiety and depression, and not just personality disorders."
Entitled Lady Ranting About Her Wedding
Family Photo
Can't Have The Same Top As Me
Treating others like props and having the urge to always be at the center of everyone’s attention should never be justified. However, "some view main character syndrome as a form of empowerment — a way of reinventing oneself to take control". But Reed explained this could just add to the problems of that person.
"If somebody needs to reinvent themself, then there is more than likely something fundamentally wrong with their life and/or their living environment. Developing a digital fantasy-life is, at best, a distraction, that will fuel further problems, and prevent the person from addressing what needs to be addressed," the professor noted.
Big Mc Vibes On This One
No Words
What happened to "happy wife, happy life"? I got turned into "happy spouse, happy house", as in the happiness of both partners matter, not just the females in marriages.
Ironically She Is Doing The Same Terrible Things To Those Others
Jackson Mahomes, Patrick Mahomes Brother, Tries To Destroy A Small Business Because They Didn’t Have Enough Seating For His Large Party
Because What Else Could This TV Be Here For?
Babe Douche Thinks That Littering In A National Park And Endangering People And Animals Below Him Is Worthy Of A Photo Op Of Him Hitting Baseballs For Some Reason
Imagine Being Opressed By Ice Cream
Tell me about it. Ramadan is coming up and McDonald's still dares to advertise food!
'smile' For My Friend's Suicide!
Instagram “Model” At Her Dads Funeral
I Need Decades Of Psychotherapy After Finding This Dudes Page
Everyone Knows A First Class Ticket Makes You Better Than Everyone Else
Cool Story, Bro. No Mention Of Your Kids Or Their Costumes? Halloween Fun? Oh Well
Remember, If The Mc Dms You, You Better Respond
When You Use Your Nanas Death As An Excuse To Show Off Your Tattoos
Siblings Aren’t Even Real People
It's called "sonder" : The profound feeling of realizing that everyone, including strangers passing in the street, has a life as complex as one's own, which they are constantly living despite one's personal lack of awareness of it.
Imagine Backing Up Traffic For A Photo
GF Posted Her New Giant Snails. The Reaction Of Someone She Doesn’t Even Talk To…
Awkward For The Girls
When Influencers Completely Ignore Signs In Nature And Then Proudly Brag About It To Hundreds Of Followers
This is just ignorance of the wildlife. Like, seriously!? The world doesn't revolve around you!
I Don’t Know This Guy Well But I Don’t Think He’s Joking?
Douche At 17 Years Of Age
Persecution Complex Cringe
A Christian Who Thinks They Are A Representative For All Christian People
And they're so rude that everybody just assumes all Christians are rude. Not all of us are. I try to be as kind as possible and if you have to make a rude comment about Christians, please just say SOME. This is the same as saying. Russians are awful because they attacked Ukraine. Some Russians didn't want that while others did and people only focus on the bad, not the good people.
Load More Replies...So co-existing peacefully with people different from you is un-Christian? Well that doesn't exactly make your religion look good, now does it? Ass.
As a Christian, this sickens me. People like this are the reason the rest of us are called crazy bible thumpers. I don't have to agree with your beliefs and that's ok. I will love you no matter what.
I had this sticker on my car and it is crazy how many people got offended by it. Do they not even understand what it means?
Yah, it is weird. Coexist means to exist in the same place and unusually peacefully. I think the disconnect may be getting confused with "all religions are the same". They are not the same and that is ok, we can still get along.
Load More Replies...No, as a Christian, since I have authority to speak for the millions of people who participate in this faith, Please leave the cross it coordinates with our beliefs 🙂
Mistreating their cross....which was used to nail people to untill they died. Xian logic.
Thank goodness the Romans didn't execute people via enema...just think of the necklaces! /s
Load More Replies...With all due respect, this person should not speak for the entirety of the Christian community, and as an Adventist, I think this is a great sticker. 😂
Load More Replies...There us a big difference between Christian and religious. If you read the I le, Jesus is all about love and not judging others. It God's job to judge, not mine. My job is to love others and to encourage them to love others to encourage them to love others etc etc
"our cross"? the person can't even stomach a sticker let alone hanging on a cross for OTHERS
OK, that is not true. This is not mistreating it. I honestly think that this is a pretty cool sticker. And this douchebag does not represent all of us because some of us are smarter than them 🙄
It's pretty much "live and let live" in my area. Most are down-to-earth. I got used to asking one friend, "How about you join me and my husband for lunch after church?" She went through cancer treatment and I'm really glad her congregation was so supportive of her.
Load More Replies...People going out of their way just to start fights make me sick
New sticker: "Christians are stupid and hate other religions" Would work out probably
Just imagine how big of an a*****e you'd have to be to do something like this 🙄
Is it just me or does some Christians think they can do whatever they want and use the excuse of GoD SaiD I COuLd.
If you live in an area of arrogant religious fanatics, it's them. If you live in my area, you're ranting and the sensible Christians are keeping away from you. In Canada, politicians are generally expected to keep their religion out of policy. That means a Catholic head of government might push for same-sex marriage and make it legal, as did Paul Martin in 2005.
Load More Replies...... because we don't! Is that what they're saying?
Load More Replies...That bumper sticker has more common sense than the person that wrote the note
With respect, many of the Christian community would like to tell you to shut up.
Pretty sure this is exactly what Christianity is supposed to support.
Yet another completely hypocritical Christian. I swear most of those people don't even know what that word means. 'Cause ya damn sho ain't Christ-like.
The “COEXIST” sign doesn’t have any impact on the world’s societies. Zero. Zip. Zilch. Nada.
I always found it weird that the symbol for a Christian is the physical representation of the device used to kill their jesus…
Interesting that Jesus was a Jew and they don't like their cross being associated with a Star of David...
How you can tell someone hasn't read the Bible. Coexisting in peace is one of the basic tenets of Christianity, while how the cross is supposed to be treated isn't mentioned... at all.
One of the MANY reasons I hate Christians; what a bunch of self-righteous, judgemental arseholes!
Most of the ones I know do, but I live in a fairly liberal town. Several congregations march in the Pride parade in support of LBGTQ+ rights.
Load More Replies...God forbid (heh) we start associating the cross with all these... *religions*.
As a Christian I don't support the sign either For many reasons but I would not post a note on someone’s car either! I do believe that we shall all live in peace among each other, however.
Wow, seems like a pretty tidy self-own: Coexist -> "our beliefs do not support it" 🤔
Love how you can see that "someone" has obviously tried to peel off the sticker....
early Christians in Rome declined to put up a statue of Jesus in the Parthenon to be displayed with other gods since it was a compromise to them. The day came that the entire Parthenon became & still is a Christian church. The statues of the pagan dead gods are long gone. The artist who made the graphic will never catch what this means, or what the future holds for him.
if you think I am an intolerant pig because I put this up, you need to practice what you preach, hypocrite.
Load More Replies...TIL Christians don't believe in any sort of tolerance. How proud Christ must be up there in his heavenly concentration camp surrounded by barbed wire and machine guns.
You're free to use one example to view all Christians as intolerant fanatics, as it sounds as if you've never met any. I get my examples from Christians I've met and from reading about them. Stephen Colbert, Queen Elizabeth II, Lena Waithe, Denzel Washington certainly seem to get on fine with a variety of people. I'm an atheist and don't have an issue with people of faith. I've met the odd disagreeable Christians, but I blame that more on their personalities than on their faith. The religion just brought out traits that were there all along. Political ideology can make some people just as fanatical, too.
Load More Replies...I Look Good In White, And That’s What Matters At Someone Else’s Wedding
Logan Paul Expects The Only Ambulance In The City To Rehydrate Him Via Iv, So That He Can Enjoy Nye With His Friends
“Everyone Should Be Just Like Me”
I Was So Close To Forgetting About His Existence
Call Them Thomas Edison Cause They Invented It
In my mother language we say " the donkey names himself first"(- ME ...and Britney)
Fake-A** Baby!
"Now, If You Ask A Kid, They Want To Be Salt Bae"
Who is Salt Bae? Is he the guy who sprinkles salt over his forearm or something??
The Witch Detective
I had to convince myself several times that this is not a collection of Onion articles.
I don't usually curse. I know this will be censored. (Maybe) But I have the urge. F**K! No reason. Just. F**k.
My class mate said this the other day : "calm the f*****g farm ding dongs" I gained respect for him that day.
Load More Replies...i can't get over how many times i read about a bride going off with the justification statement "i've dreamed of this day since i was little". don't know about anyone else but i don't remember ever thinking about my wedding when i was little nor did any of my friends engage in discussion of this. what the hell happens to females between puberty and the time they become engaged?
Probably a lot of #MeToo (said in a non-joking/sarcastic manner)
Load More Replies...With the positive uses of social media - the few - this is the s#!t we get the most of.
When the animals try to take over the spotlight, it's cute. When humans do it, it's just self absorbed.
I know the 00s 90s 80s 70s etc... were not perfect but for crying out loud there has never been a generation that feels more entitled and that the world owes them something than this generation here and now! Greedy and selfish people! And before anyone says anything I'm in my 30s not a boomer.... I even won an award in 1992 when I wrote a report on climate change and saving the birds from oil spills! So no you are not the first generation to be WOKE. You just have a better platform to spread the message!
Is this another example of narcissism, or is this satire? Having a hard time telling the difference…
Load More Replies...I had to convince myself several times that this is not a collection of Onion articles.
I don't usually curse. I know this will be censored. (Maybe) But I have the urge. F**K! No reason. Just. F**k.
My class mate said this the other day : "calm the f*****g farm ding dongs" I gained respect for him that day.
Load More Replies...i can't get over how many times i read about a bride going off with the justification statement "i've dreamed of this day since i was little". don't know about anyone else but i don't remember ever thinking about my wedding when i was little nor did any of my friends engage in discussion of this. what the hell happens to females between puberty and the time they become engaged?
Probably a lot of #MeToo (said in a non-joking/sarcastic manner)
Load More Replies...With the positive uses of social media - the few - this is the s#!t we get the most of.
When the animals try to take over the spotlight, it's cute. When humans do it, it's just self absorbed.
I know the 00s 90s 80s 70s etc... were not perfect but for crying out loud there has never been a generation that feels more entitled and that the world owes them something than this generation here and now! Greedy and selfish people! And before anyone says anything I'm in my 30s not a boomer.... I even won an award in 1992 when I wrote a report on climate change and saving the birds from oil spills! So no you are not the first generation to be WOKE. You just have a better platform to spread the message!
Is this another example of narcissism, or is this satire? Having a hard time telling the difference…
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