30 People Online Point Out Aspects Of Personal Hygiene That Some Are Completely Oblivious To
Welcome to the world of hygiene! Most people think that it is just some word explaining that you need to take a shower, wash your hands and brush your teeth every day, but there is so much more. Hygiene is all about keeping yourself clean and healthy, considering that in everything you touch, you never know what you might catch.
Before we dive into the tips, let’s point out why hygiene is important and why you hear this word so often. To begin with, personal hygiene can make you smell great (not smelly so that people need to stay far away from you). It also helps to prevent spreading germs and keeps you from getting sick. What else do you need?
Anyway, recently one person posted in the Reddit online community about the hygiene tips that they wish more people knew about. We gathered 30 of the most popular ones for you, so feel free to share your own recommendations in the comments section!
More info: Reddit
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Close the lid before you flush.
This! Not for the noise, but the particles of faeces that fill the room when you flush without shutting the lid
3 years of a pandemic- and half you filthy pigs *STILL* don't wash your hands properly!
OMG! THIS! I work in hospitality and I'm a world traveler...the number of people I see that go out to dine and leave the restroom after just running there hands under the sink...🤮 It gets worse in international airports, people don't even pretend to clean their hands, they just walk out.
I wish I had known that the natural Ph of vaginal secretions was acidic enough to stain clothing and such. It would’ve saved me a lot of anxiety of wondering what was wrong with me. Yes, it IS NORMAL for this to happen.
To gain some insight on this topic, we reached out to Sally Bloomfield, who is currently Chairman of the International Scientific Forum on Home Hygiene. To begin with, she shared her top tip: “When it comes to practicing hygiene to prevent spread of infections, you need to understand that hygiene and cleanliness are not the same thing. Even if a surface looks clean, it can still be contaminated with harmful germs to cause an infection. In order to prevent the spread of infection, hands and surfaces need to be cleaned in the right way.”
If someone offers you a breath mint. Take it. Assume He/she is giving you a polite hint.
Perfume is not a substitute for washing and deoderant.
We have this rule in my theatre. Shower before your performance! Perfume aggravates my asthma and as as your stage manager, if I’m incapacitated, your show is affected!
Maybe this is hygiene-adjacent but to stop that old laundry smell you have to leave your washing machine open to dry out. Every time!
Yes. I use a daily shower spray inside the drum and on the inside of the door. Works a treat. And try not to leave wet laundry in the machine for too long. You might end up having to wash it all a second time.
“The second thing that people do not understand is that effective hygiene means practicing hygiene at the key times (we call them moments), i.e. when we are doing things that can spread harmful germs,” Bloomfield elaborated. She continued by stating that these moments - targeted hygiene - occur at the most evident times, such as when we handle raw food, use the bathroom, or prepare to eat with our fingers.
ALWAYS pee after [making love] (your kidneys will thank you)
PLEASE wash your reusable water bottle! i know i know refilling your water bottle is super eco friendly but you gotta make sure youre washing it regularly to avoid any gross bacteria buildup
I use half a denture tablet (I have all my own teeth btw) in warm water. Leave for about an hour. Make sure the lid/stopper gets contact too. And remember to never drink water that's been in the bottle a few days no matter how fresh it was to begin with.
Deodorant goes on before you start stinking
If you move this pic up and down the stripes on her skirt go in and out.
“There are 9 key moments in our lives when the spread of harmful germs is most likely to happen,” Sally Bloomfield mentioned. Additionally, she suggested a simple practical guide that everybody can read and get deeper knowledge about targeted hygiene.
you actually have to SCRUB your FEET.. just standing in soapy water doesn't actually wash off the bacteria between your toes.. if you have stinky feet, this will most likely fix your issue.. I didn't learn this till THIS YEAR, i'm 37, i've always had some stinky feet and never knew that i actually had to bend over and scrub my toes and bottoms of my feet.. i now no longer have stinky feet!! lol so basic but also just never occured to me because i always thought the soapy water i was standing in was enough..
my wife and i were talking about shower habbits to our teen one day and she mentions to "scrub those feet!" and i looked at her and was like, "what do you mean? she's already in soapy water, the feet get cleaned automatically".. her jaw dropped and she was like "oh my, i now know why none of those powders worked on your feet, it's the fact that your actually NOT cleaning them, every time in the shower." and redditors.. she was right.. and man i felt stupid for not knowing such a simple thing.
And wash and dry between your toes, sock fluff likes to hide there and bacteria loves to live there!
If you don’t floss, try it once, then smell the used floss. After doing it regularly for a week, it won’t smell like that anymore. Dental hygiene is important.
Started flossing at 21 and proud I’ve kept up the habit. Thought it was unnecessary until somebody told me to try the above.
Wash your hands after you use the washroom. Seriously I'm pretty sure whenever I go to a public washroom I see 50% of the men in there just walk out without washing. Crazy to think
A friend of mine told me her ex-boyfriend didn’t wash his hands after peeing, and his reasoning was that he didn’t touch his d**k while relieving himself. I told her, sure OK, but he had to touch it to pull it out, unless it was a trained d**k that could unzip pants and find its way out that flap in his tightie-whities all by itself. Like, on command or something. The realization immediately came over her that her ex wasn’t just an a*****e, he was a filthy, germy, unhygienic a*****e. Glad for her that he was her ex.
The third piece of advice that Bloomfield shared with us is that many people believe that dirty areas, like a dirty floor, are where germs are most likely to spread. Individuals frequently believe that keeping their homes clean will keep them safe and clear of germs. This is untrue, since potentially harmful bacteria are always present; the best way to safeguard yourself is to take precautions to avoid coming into contact with them.
If your towel smells mildew-y, so does your body.
I grew up in a house where every towel smelled mildewy .. super gross!!! All it takes is one nasty damp-sitting-for-days towel to 'infect' the rest of your towels! Add oxy powder and vinegar to your towels, hot water, let them soak if you have to .. what a difference!!!!
For the sake of everyone else who will need the bathroom, if you're going to sit in there for 45 minutes playing on your phone while taking a dump, please courtesy flush.
I don't care how long you're in there for - I'm not the one paying your salary - but you're stinking up the room. So flush early please, and then stay as long as you like.
Staying on the toilet that long is really bad for your digestive tract. please don’t do that
Wash behind your ears and inside deep of your belly button.
Does it feel weird for anyone else to touch in there? Asking for a friend..
She finished with the thought that “Trying to protect yourself by more and more cleaning is not only ineffective, it's very time-consuming, and just increases the amount of cleaning products you have to buy.” So, if your home is crystal clear, that doesn’t mean that there are no germs and you have no chance of getting an infection.
Don’t keep wads of cash in your bra, especially if it’s summer. Money is dirty enough without being soaked in your sweat too.
1. Clean your hairbrushes, especially if you have oily hair/scalp
2. "Clean your glasses" includes the frames and nose pads
Why is "clean your glasses" in quotes? And why do people no longer understand to properly use punctuation?
For the ladies- Using soap OUTSIDE of the girly. Do NOT put soap in the hole!! That will cause infection and basically just make you smell even more bad than you could imagine 😅
"Inside the hole" cuz saying vagína aloud is bad. 🙄 The female anatomy is terrifying!
Lots of people mistake the word vagina for meaning everything, vulva included. This is worded in a way that literally everyone will understand, even though it isn't exactly correct.
Load More Replies...OMG! It’s called the VULVA. Say it with me everyone, VULVA VULVA VULVA! Wash yer dang VULVA, your VAGINA will take care of itself. Just wash your labia, your mons pubis, and your arsehole.
Same goes for douching with “feminine hygiene” products. They only make things a lot worse. The only time you should use a douche is when your doctor prescribes a betadine douche to relieve vaginal pain/itch/extreme discomfort, and even then you need a prescription for the bottle and applicator, and should only use it as prescribed, and for the number of days prescribed—-and ask your pharmacist about drug interactions, especially if you’re on thyroid meds.
I just don't understand this post. Can someone translate it into English? Outside the "girly" and into which hole are they referring to as women have 3 holes close together..... Religion aside, there's something called "anatomy" that doesn't offend God as God created the human body, and vagina, labia, urethra and a**s only offend censors and not God.
Well, since girly was specified, it's pretty self explanatory which hole they are talking about. Also, entries in BP listicles tend to be taken from Reddit, which has different censors. It's sad that normal anatomy words be censored at all, but, since many of those same words are used as a means to offend, censorship takes place.
Load More Replies...I don't like the clinical terms for anyone’s plumbing, male or female. Upvote for the girly slang
Side note: Dove sensitive skin soap works best downthere. It's the only soap that I trust to maintain pH balance.
Do not use antibacterial soap on your vagina. It will kill the good bacteria to and you will be with acceptable to East infections, etc. which really smell
To avoid bacterial and yeast infections and odor, the vagina must be maintained at a specific acidic pH level. Soap, gels, sprays, and even water will upset this balance.
This applies to all inputs and outputs of every single three-holed mammal.
And your va-jay-jay doesn't even like soap! It has its own natural way of balancing things and does not (typically) need any outside help!
Don't use ordinary soap on female genitalia. Unperfumed baby wash is best. Rinse thoroughly or you will be sore.
Cleaning/disinfecting your phone. It has so much bacteria and I hate when someone shows me to look at their phone and that s**ts crusty.
And don't use Windex, it deteriorates the sensitivity of your touch screen. Use a 50/50 solution using rubbing alcohol and water.
Floss your damn teeth. Brushing isn't enough to prevent the bad things that happen to good teeth. Ask your hygienist to show you how. 90% of people aren't doing it right.
If you have to turn off a tap, make sure you turn it off with the paper towel you used to dry your hands with. No point in losing all that hygiene to communally touched (wet) surfaces.
Brush your tongue!
You'd be amazed how much c**p comes off. Using those scrapes I mean
Wearing a mask doesn't camouflage not having brushed your teeth in the morning.
Then you’re stuck getting up close and personal with your own breath that smell like you died a week ago. If you’re wearing a mask, at least the rest of us aren’t suffering the full brunt of it, as the mask will filter it somewhat. Somewhat.
Washing your legs in the shower. I'm so surprised how many people don't wash their legs when they shower.
Change your work clothes daily.
Eeeehhhh...idk about this one applies to everyone. If I have an office job where I sit most of the day and I showered that morning, there's a good chance I'm going to rewear the pants later that week before rewashing them. I'm a firm believer that if my clothes aren't soiled or smelly, I should give them a second use before washing. THIS RULE DOES NOT APPLY TO UNDERWEAR.
You can wash your pillows and bath mats!
Also glycolic/mandelic/salicylic acids for body odour. Keep that skin acidic and inhospitable to bacteria.
Does anyone else feel like teeth just require entirely too much upkeep? Like obviously I DO it, but I kind of resent it. No other body part requires this level of attention from me. Get your s**t together, teeth.
Yes and no. The rest needs it but we tend to ignore it because in most instances, there’s something pharmaceutical to address the problem. Not so with teeth. And in the UK we hate paying for dentistry. We are spoiled by free healthcare and cheap prescriptions
Load More Replies...When you wash your hair, focus the shampoo on your scalp. When you rinse the run off will still wash the rest of your hair without over drying the ends. When you condition, then concentrate on the ends and avoid the scalp. Your natural oils are conditioner enough. Don't rely solely on makeup remover wipes. You're just smearing residue around your face. You still need to use a face cleanser and water. Scrub the back of your neck. Back acne is a thing you might not realize you have until the acne gets painful. It's a sign of poor hygiene, although genetics can be a factor, but it's another reason you need to get up off the couch, or whatever seat with a backing, and air out you back. Snot+eyes=pink eye Having hair touching your face can cause zits. Oily, gunky hair will be sure to give you puss bumps.
I'm so tired of all this anti bacteria c**p. You NEED bacteria, it helps in so many aspects of your life including digestion, immune system, and it even affects mood. I get trying to not be stinky, but sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself if you're going too far.
I remember in a Frank Herbert book (author of Dune), a person was lecturing millenia in the future. They were discussing how there had always been various "cults of scents" in various societies. And something like, "There was even a cult of NO scents for a little while." That's where we are. We are part of a cult of no scents. The fad should hopefully pass in a couple hundred years.
Load More Replies...Also get two different silicone washing pads. One for your face and one for your body, never wash your butt and face with the same rag or whatever, unless you wash your face first. I like to work too to bottom so I wash my face first with a different rag every time, but I would like to get silicone soon.
Silicone isn’t biodegradable, please don’t, natural fabric cloths are much better for you and the environment,
Load More Replies...One more: Remember to clean your piercings, people! Even if you only have earlobe piercings and use hygienic metals like gold, silver or stainless steel. Run your fingers under the jewelry and smell them: If they smell funky like a belly button, there are the same funky bacteria living there!
Does anyone else feel like teeth just require entirely too much upkeep? Like obviously I DO it, but I kind of resent it. No other body part requires this level of attention from me. Get your s**t together, teeth.
Yes and no. The rest needs it but we tend to ignore it because in most instances, there’s something pharmaceutical to address the problem. Not so with teeth. And in the UK we hate paying for dentistry. We are spoiled by free healthcare and cheap prescriptions
Load More Replies...When you wash your hair, focus the shampoo on your scalp. When you rinse the run off will still wash the rest of your hair without over drying the ends. When you condition, then concentrate on the ends and avoid the scalp. Your natural oils are conditioner enough. Don't rely solely on makeup remover wipes. You're just smearing residue around your face. You still need to use a face cleanser and water. Scrub the back of your neck. Back acne is a thing you might not realize you have until the acne gets painful. It's a sign of poor hygiene, although genetics can be a factor, but it's another reason you need to get up off the couch, or whatever seat with a backing, and air out you back. Snot+eyes=pink eye Having hair touching your face can cause zits. Oily, gunky hair will be sure to give you puss bumps.
I'm so tired of all this anti bacteria c**p. You NEED bacteria, it helps in so many aspects of your life including digestion, immune system, and it even affects mood. I get trying to not be stinky, but sometimes you have to stop and ask yourself if you're going too far.
I remember in a Frank Herbert book (author of Dune), a person was lecturing millenia in the future. They were discussing how there had always been various "cults of scents" in various societies. And something like, "There was even a cult of NO scents for a little while." That's where we are. We are part of a cult of no scents. The fad should hopefully pass in a couple hundred years.
Load More Replies...Also get two different silicone washing pads. One for your face and one for your body, never wash your butt and face with the same rag or whatever, unless you wash your face first. I like to work too to bottom so I wash my face first with a different rag every time, but I would like to get silicone soon.
Silicone isn’t biodegradable, please don’t, natural fabric cloths are much better for you and the environment,
Load More Replies...One more: Remember to clean your piercings, people! Even if you only have earlobe piercings and use hygienic metals like gold, silver or stainless steel. Run your fingers under the jewelry and smell them: If they smell funky like a belly button, there are the same funky bacteria living there!