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Pandas with noise sensitivities, any recommendations for esr defenders or earplugs for when im in loud environments and overwhelmed?
ooh! i've beed hearing about these earplugs by the brand name loop. they have rlly good reviews and many options to choose from! apparently, it doesn't make things go completely silent, it just makes it so that its quieter. unfortunately, i dont have a pair yet, and i've been meaning to get some! you can check it out on amazon!
hey guys! how r yall doing
ive been losing interest in stuff and staying in my room more. maybe im just tired or something
have been wondering about the future and if i will be in a good place by then
have been missing the past as just an oblivious kid who's biggest concern was tv shows and stupid friend group drama
also been wondering how the afterlife is like. ik, ik maybe its all just a black void, or we turn into nothingness. but i want to believe that there is something out there. i hope there is
damn that was deep
Pls talk to someone if needs be, i don't know you but losing interest in everything reminds me of depression (may just be because of the people around me though)
it feels like i’m giving up. i used to think a ton of things were cool and i had so much motivation and energy but now i don’t. i told my mom and she said i was overreacting. i also get overwhelmed really easily all of a sudden and to be honest? it’s kind of scary. i don’t want to end my life, i just want this chapter in it to be over.
i also feel like a failure b/c my friends don’t talk to me as much unless it’s just us (me and one of them). they always hang out together and don’t even talk to me. i think they either don’t like me anymore and are phasing me out of their friend group or i’m overthinking it.
Please please please talk to someone if possible u deserve to feel better and it WILL happen. Hang on, ok? The pandas here will be happy to help
I tried to kms a couple weeks ago and I thought that once I got to therapy it will all get better, but lately, it's been getting worse again. I feel very lost, and I have no idea what to do about it. Every time I think about my future, I just want to end it all. I don't know how to stop faking being happy.
Sorry, that was depressing...
Im so sorry for how you are feeling. I know it sounds generic but it genuinely can and will get better, hang on we're all here for u