“Harmless Prank” Leaves 34-Weeks-Pregnant Wife Sobbing Uncontrollably, Husband Shifts The Blame
Even in the best of times, pranks tend to not be particularly fun. Unless both parties, the prankster and the victims know and abide by certain boundaries, pranks just seem mean spirited at best. But pulling a prank that literally invokes your loved ones childhood trauma goes beyond that into deeply disturbed territory.
A woman asked the internet for advice after her husband called her “dramatic” for freaking out over a horrible prank. We reached out to the woman in the story via private message and will update the article when she gets back to us.
Pranking your spouse has a lot of ways it can go wrong
Image credits: shotprime/Envato (not the actual photo)
But one woman was called dramatic for freaking out when her husband told her the house was on fire
Image credits: juriymaslak/Envato (not the actual photo)
Image credits: Far_Specific_3005
Trauma doesn’t just go away easily
Image credits: LightFieldStudios/Envato (not the actual photo)
The experience this woman went through falls neatly into the category of trauma. Simply put, if you’ve gone through an experience that was particularly stressful, physically or emotionally, you will probably have lasting symptoms. Depression, panic attacks, high blood pressure and all sorts of other issues are common results of situations like this.
A fire is not only generally traumatic, but it literally destroys a person’s possessions. It’s quite possible that a significant part of this woman’s early life was directly influenced by this fire, and that’s before we take into account the psychological impact. In the text itself, she mentions constantly checking the oven, candles, etc. This immediately points to the fact that this trauma has not been entirely resolved yet.
Trauma symptoms do tend to dissipate with time, but can “rear up” when something triggers it. Oftentimes, our minds connect entirely benign things with our traumatic experiences, leading to a disproportionate dislike of a “normal thing.” For example, this isn’t the case in this story, but it’s easy to imagine a person who simply can’t stand being around candles after having their home burn down.
Generally, just the “threat” of a trigger can be enough to provoke anxiety. This is already a pretty major disorder, but it can “flare up” and provoke full-blown panic attacks. If you are going to spend a decent amount of time with a person, it’s best to know if there are some seemingly innocuous things that might cause them real distress. Instead this husband took a vulnerable part of this woman’s life and used to pull a prank. Incidents like this would be enough to cause a breakup in a lot of cases.
The husband’s actions were downright cruel
Image credits: FabrikaPhoto/Envato (not the actual photo)
The consequences of being exposed to one’s trauma like that are often far reaching. The symptoms are many and generally pretty bad, ranging from insomnia to entire psychiatric disorders. These, naturally, cause a lot of stress to a person which also leads to physical issues. At this point, it’s probably worth reminding that this woman was pregnant at the time of the “prank” and causing her stress is the last thing anyone should be doing.
Given the wife’s experience and husband’s age (we are setting aside the age gap here) it would seem like he really should have known better. But the truly shocking part is how he reacted when she called him out. The wife had every right to be angry and he had the gall to call her “dramatic.” He claims the prank was harmless, but since he is not the “victim” of it, he has no leg to stand on and make this argument.
It’s quite telling that in this relationship, she then went to apologize to him, which is a shocking set of words to type given the circumstances. Even worse, as if that is possible, he then refuses to accept an apology which he does not deserve in the first place. Fortunately, the vast majority of readers not only sided with the woman but started giving her advice on what to do. Hopefully, she can take on board their advice and perhaps get out of this relationship that sounds like it’s downright terrible.
Most people thought her husband was way out of line
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This was not a prank. At best it was thoughtless and stupid, and at worst it was cruel. You don't play on someone's trauma, and you DON'T pull risky pranks on a heavily pregnant woman in the middle of the night! This guy is a f*****g idiot.
He's horrible. He gets more satisfaction from emotional abusing her than emotionally supporting her.
Load More Replies...That man might be a full-blown sociopath because holy holy moly, his idea of a "prank" (what the hell?) is to essentially emotionally torture his pregnant wife. It was emotional abuse that was planned. This one's actually scarier than hell and there's a concerning age and maturity difference on this one too. Just so much yikes.
Load More Replies...Girl you were 19 when you GOT MARRIED to a 28 year old. Which certainly means you dated prior to that, this is disgusting. You are victim of being groomed and manipulated.
I’d say he was a pig, but that’d be unkind to pigs.
Load More Replies...This was not a joke. Abusers often show their hand when their partner is pregnant or has just given birth. They resent the lack of control and the attention focus on the woman and baby so they act out. The nasty prank wasn’t the only abuse here - her being the one to apologize and then him rejecting the apology is classic abusive DARVO behavior - Deny, attack, reverse victim order. This will get worse when the baby comes.
Agreed: 30% of domestic abuse starts during pregnancy, and abuse that's already happening typically escalates during pregnancy.
Load More Replies...I don't think he wants to be a dad or be with his wife because that amount of Stress during pregnancy could kill them both.
I agree. I believe that he was hoping something "accidental" would happen: premature labor or falling down the stairs. It's possible that he has his eye on someone who's about the same age as OP was when they first met. She needs to get out of there PRONTO. He's not just cruel, he's dangerous AF.
Load More Replies...If you stay with him, expect that this type of behavior will continue. Just wait until he tells you that "the baby's not breathing" or "I can't find the baby anywhere"... Hahaha!! Why you so upset? It's just a prank?
Wow. Had he just taken out a massive insurance policy on the wife and baby? She should look into that.
A horrible possibility, but an astute observation.
Load More Replies...I am not a violent man, but I want to put on my steel toe boots and kick this guy in the doo-dads.
We’ll hold him down for you while chanting, “It’s just a prank!”.
Load More Replies...SHE *apologised* to HIM??? F**k that. I would honestly have to leave for a good couple of days and reconsider my marriage if my husband ever decided to use such a traumatic event for funsies. At 34 weeks what would have happened if she had a panic attack and fell down the stairs?!
I would say waltz tango foxtrot him out the door for a while at least. It sounds like he was honestly startled at first from her heavy reaction, (which is why he might get another chance with me) but then tried to cover himself by putting the blame back on her, (which is why that other chance would have some very strict conditions).
Load More Replies...Wow. That's a criminal offense in Canada. it's also a jerk move from the husband's part and he demands that she apologizes? WTFF??? Most horrible husband ever after my ex-husband (he did stuff like that too). Canada-Fal...7ba2c3.jpg
I like the comment that said, "This man tried to use the worst thing that ever happened to you at the most vulnerable time of your life." That sums it up right there. He is a monster. Please get away from him.
No no no. A harmless prank is putting tape on the bottom of someone's computer mouse. Inciting panic based on childhood trauma is bad enough, but a pregnant woman? What else is this AH doing to her?
OMG... NTA... first, he woke you up, a woman in her 3rd trimester... and then to make you think your life and your unborn child is in danger and to top it off triggering emotions from a past trauma. He was so far in the wrong it is mind boggling. He then flipped the script and made you the bad guy. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. He needs some therapy!
I doubt the therapy would work - he's likely to flip blame on her and refuse to take responsibility. She would probably benefit from it - she needs to understand why she apologizes for being "too sensitive" or "dramatic".
Load More Replies...The "prank" was bad enough but the fact that he refused to admit he was in the wrong is telling. How could anyone think playing such a prank involving past trauma on a pregnant woman is ok? Then he gaslights you into thinking YOU are the one who should apologize? He just showed you who he really is. Leave the bastard.
All respect to the mother-to-be. She kept her head cool while it mattered, grabbing that what is most important and making sure everyone gets out safe. The stress-release reaction is completely understandable, especially since she is pregnant with all kinds of hormones racing, and does NOT HAVE TO BE EXCUSED in any way.
Ok, let me get this straight: husband decides to scare the absolute s**t out of his 34-week-pregnant wife who has some serious past trauma, by using that trauma on her, gets upset when she absolutely and PREDICTABLY falls apart, then HE won't take HER apology? Let's also not forget the probable grooming she's been subjected to.
This is abusive behavior, plain and simple, and it will absolutely get worse unless she gets out NOW.
Her going to apologize to him is bad enough but he won't accept it? loool. That guy is a piece of s**t.
I would've called 911 + said "Help! I'm 34 weeks pregnant + my husband's threatening me!" Then when he gets arrested, tell him it was just a prank. ;) Because, technically, what he did *could* be considered a threat.
Waking up a person who doesn't get much sleep is horrible on its own, add the super funny trauma call back, loser!
People love to think that misogyny isn't pervasive among males. You have to see the blatant malice in this behavior. They hate us. Even the ones that "love" us, hate us. It's in there. Just beneath the surface. Waiting.
how's that one person voting yes if they DK - she literally told him her trauma, he took it to the max. Divorce that M**O
WTAF??? That was absolutely vicious. I would NEVER AGAIN trust someone who would do that to me, and I've never been in a fire! I'm trying to work out the logic of his doing this - to a pregnant woman - and the only reasons I can come up with are that he is a vicious sadist who enjoys seeing other people be frightened out of their skins. There simply is no other explanation. That guy needs watching, and divorcing. Seriously!
Pranks are stupid at best, harmful and cruel at worst. Biggest red flag ever! I'd pack a bag and leave his a*s that day.
Pranks are one way men let you know how much they hate women and they hate you.
Pranks are 1 way weak men let you know how much they hate women. This guy hates her with a passion
This persons life is not going to be a happy one with this POS man. Hope she gets custody
There's a reason 30yo ish guys date teenagers and early 20s women, because they are so immature women older won't date them. Seen a few friends date losers like this.
I would kick him so hard in the nards that he would never be able to impregnate anyone ever again! Girl, take YOUR baby and RUN
Oh my god, what a f*****g a*****e! And she apologized??!! You kidding me. What if she tripped down the stairs while she was running down and hurt herself and the baby? Wow, just wow.....I would have killed that m**********r not apologizing to him.
You went to apologize WTF. Get a Divorce lawyer NOW. WTF he is a a*****e
This shït pisses me off so much I just don't have sufficient words. What a fúcking psycotic asshõle!!!
She apologized to him?! OMFG. She should've shoved him out the door and never let him back in.
Pranks and practical jokes are only funny when both parties are "in on it"--yelling FIRE when there is none is outrageous. That's like pulling a fire alarm in a school when there is no fire. It's against the law. I've, thankfully, never been in a fire but it terrifies me to even think about it. And being pregnant? Does he think jumping out from behind the door with a tarantula in his hands is funny? You're lucky you didn't go into labor. And your husband is an idiot, never to be trusted again. Cut him loose.
For your child's sake and your own mental health, move in with a family member, a friend or a women's shelter NOW. Get a PFA and a divorce before this escalates into physical as well as mental abuse. Tell your doc,and anyone else what he found so funny...
It sucks that she is having a child with this man, because ideally she should separate her life from him completely if possible.
Sounds like he was trying to get her to miscarry. What kind of clueless c**t would try and play pranks on a pregnant woman? He should be looking after her not terrorising her. Some very very dark psychological problems with this monster. Not fit to be a parent. Already shown grooming behaviour. Alarm bells ringing!
I cannot believe OP thought she owed this POS an APOLOGY!! Then he has the audacity to tell HER she made him feel bad when she overreacted??? OMG, I would never let this POS near my child unchaperoned. Can you imagine the "pranks" he would play on a defenseless child? I would be at an attorney's office as soon as the sun rises.
I don't allow my kids to watch "prank" videos and this story (along with others on BP) just confirmed my views... It is so very much not funny.
This was not a prank and even less so a harmless one. That would be terrible and a good reason for divorce, if she were not pregnant and did not have trauma. All these things together in adition to their absolute power imbalance because of their ages, this man is a pure psycho. If a partner would pull that "prank" on me, I would pull one right back, cause I would throw them out in their pyjamas that instance, they could consider themself lucky if I would even throw them their phone out of a window for them to catch.
OP most probably has PTSD and her husband is an incredible jerk for pulling a prank on her over that. He could caused her to go into premature labour or caused her to fall down the steps in panic. She needs counseling to help her deal with her trauma. He needs a good paddle on his backside for his juvenile behavior. If it was me I'd be kicking him to the curb
Horrific, absolutely horrific. This horrific shock could well have impacted on the baby and instead of getting her and the baby medically checked incase the baby was also in distress, he's f****d off somewhere as She had to go find him to apologise. If she'd lost the baby due to his "prank" he'd be blaming her. From the sounds of it, she only met him 2-3 Years after the horrendous fire that took everything she ever had, her cat, her home and when you lose your home, you lose your stability, your base. I strongly suspect much more abuse going on too, nice subtle stuff that she's not seeing. Poor, poor woman. I hope she's free of this absolute arsehole very soon 🤞
I found her Reddit page! They met when she was 18. In many of her answers, she is defending him. i.e., "...it's often an argument that I'm "too sensitive"." "I apologized because he made a big deal about me making him feel horrible." So many down votes. But no follow up. This post occurred on Aug 1, 2024. No follow up.
Get out, fool. This narcissistic bully is DANGEROUS! GET THE HELL OUT WHILE HE'S GONE & FILE A DIVORCE AND RESTAINING ORDER! This Monster WILL Try To Harm You AGAIN!
My family and I had a house fire when I was 18 years old, about two weeks before Christmas. Thankfully, no one died and the fire was contained to the third floor, but there was mainly smoke and water damage to the rest of the house (my mom, eldest sister and her son were home at the time, they were saved thanks to an excessively LOUD doorbell that neighbors, seeing the smoke, kept ringing). If my husband dared to even pull this stunt while I was heavily pregnant, I would not only yell at him, I'd be telling my family about it and they would've given him the "Philly beatdown" for putting me and my baby at risk. Plus, he would've been barred from the delivery room because he dared to endanger us (medical staff can bar anyone including spouses and partners if they are deemed a risk to mom and baby)!
NTA. He thought that making you relive the worst trauma in your life was funny. No it was downright cruel and the last thing you should have done was apologise. This is a massive red flag and he will never change. For the sake of your sanity get away from him for good.
“Honey, that night you woke me up and told me the house was on fire? The baby died that night. You killed our baby. Yes, sweetie; your son is dead. Oh, stop crying! That was a harmless prank! I’m holding the baby as we speak! Now wipe your nose and sign these papers, please.”
2 wrongs don't make it right, plus with his behavior and attitude I highly doubt he'd even care if the baby didn't make it.
Load More Replies...We litterally have hundreds of videos of people doing this kind of stuff.
Load More Replies...This was not a prank. At best it was thoughtless and stupid, and at worst it was cruel. You don't play on someone's trauma, and you DON'T pull risky pranks on a heavily pregnant woman in the middle of the night! This guy is a f*****g idiot.
He's horrible. He gets more satisfaction from emotional abusing her than emotionally supporting her.
Load More Replies...That man might be a full-blown sociopath because holy holy moly, his idea of a "prank" (what the hell?) is to essentially emotionally torture his pregnant wife. It was emotional abuse that was planned. This one's actually scarier than hell and there's a concerning age and maturity difference on this one too. Just so much yikes.
Load More Replies...Girl you were 19 when you GOT MARRIED to a 28 year old. Which certainly means you dated prior to that, this is disgusting. You are victim of being groomed and manipulated.
I’d say he was a pig, but that’d be unkind to pigs.
Load More Replies...This was not a joke. Abusers often show their hand when their partner is pregnant or has just given birth. They resent the lack of control and the attention focus on the woman and baby so they act out. The nasty prank wasn’t the only abuse here - her being the one to apologize and then him rejecting the apology is classic abusive DARVO behavior - Deny, attack, reverse victim order. This will get worse when the baby comes.
Agreed: 30% of domestic abuse starts during pregnancy, and abuse that's already happening typically escalates during pregnancy.
Load More Replies...I don't think he wants to be a dad or be with his wife because that amount of Stress during pregnancy could kill them both.
I agree. I believe that he was hoping something "accidental" would happen: premature labor or falling down the stairs. It's possible that he has his eye on someone who's about the same age as OP was when they first met. She needs to get out of there PRONTO. He's not just cruel, he's dangerous AF.
Load More Replies...If you stay with him, expect that this type of behavior will continue. Just wait until he tells you that "the baby's not breathing" or "I can't find the baby anywhere"... Hahaha!! Why you so upset? It's just a prank?
Wow. Had he just taken out a massive insurance policy on the wife and baby? She should look into that.
A horrible possibility, but an astute observation.
Load More Replies...I am not a violent man, but I want to put on my steel toe boots and kick this guy in the doo-dads.
We’ll hold him down for you while chanting, “It’s just a prank!”.
Load More Replies...SHE *apologised* to HIM??? F**k that. I would honestly have to leave for a good couple of days and reconsider my marriage if my husband ever decided to use such a traumatic event for funsies. At 34 weeks what would have happened if she had a panic attack and fell down the stairs?!
I would say waltz tango foxtrot him out the door for a while at least. It sounds like he was honestly startled at first from her heavy reaction, (which is why he might get another chance with me) but then tried to cover himself by putting the blame back on her, (which is why that other chance would have some very strict conditions).
Load More Replies...Wow. That's a criminal offense in Canada. it's also a jerk move from the husband's part and he demands that she apologizes? WTFF??? Most horrible husband ever after my ex-husband (he did stuff like that too). Canada-Fal...7ba2c3.jpg
I like the comment that said, "This man tried to use the worst thing that ever happened to you at the most vulnerable time of your life." That sums it up right there. He is a monster. Please get away from him.
No no no. A harmless prank is putting tape on the bottom of someone's computer mouse. Inciting panic based on childhood trauma is bad enough, but a pregnant woman? What else is this AH doing to her?
OMG... NTA... first, he woke you up, a woman in her 3rd trimester... and then to make you think your life and your unborn child is in danger and to top it off triggering emotions from a past trauma. He was so far in the wrong it is mind boggling. He then flipped the script and made you the bad guy. I'm sorry you are dealing with this. He needs some therapy!
I doubt the therapy would work - he's likely to flip blame on her and refuse to take responsibility. She would probably benefit from it - she needs to understand why she apologizes for being "too sensitive" or "dramatic".
Load More Replies...The "prank" was bad enough but the fact that he refused to admit he was in the wrong is telling. How could anyone think playing such a prank involving past trauma on a pregnant woman is ok? Then he gaslights you into thinking YOU are the one who should apologize? He just showed you who he really is. Leave the bastard.
All respect to the mother-to-be. She kept her head cool while it mattered, grabbing that what is most important and making sure everyone gets out safe. The stress-release reaction is completely understandable, especially since she is pregnant with all kinds of hormones racing, and does NOT HAVE TO BE EXCUSED in any way.
Ok, let me get this straight: husband decides to scare the absolute s**t out of his 34-week-pregnant wife who has some serious past trauma, by using that trauma on her, gets upset when she absolutely and PREDICTABLY falls apart, then HE won't take HER apology? Let's also not forget the probable grooming she's been subjected to.
This is abusive behavior, plain and simple, and it will absolutely get worse unless she gets out NOW.
Her going to apologize to him is bad enough but he won't accept it? loool. That guy is a piece of s**t.
I would've called 911 + said "Help! I'm 34 weeks pregnant + my husband's threatening me!" Then when he gets arrested, tell him it was just a prank. ;) Because, technically, what he did *could* be considered a threat.
Waking up a person who doesn't get much sleep is horrible on its own, add the super funny trauma call back, loser!
People love to think that misogyny isn't pervasive among males. You have to see the blatant malice in this behavior. They hate us. Even the ones that "love" us, hate us. It's in there. Just beneath the surface. Waiting.
how's that one person voting yes if they DK - she literally told him her trauma, he took it to the max. Divorce that M**O
WTAF??? That was absolutely vicious. I would NEVER AGAIN trust someone who would do that to me, and I've never been in a fire! I'm trying to work out the logic of his doing this - to a pregnant woman - and the only reasons I can come up with are that he is a vicious sadist who enjoys seeing other people be frightened out of their skins. There simply is no other explanation. That guy needs watching, and divorcing. Seriously!
Pranks are stupid at best, harmful and cruel at worst. Biggest red flag ever! I'd pack a bag and leave his a*s that day.
Pranks are one way men let you know how much they hate women and they hate you.
Pranks are 1 way weak men let you know how much they hate women. This guy hates her with a passion
This persons life is not going to be a happy one with this POS man. Hope she gets custody
There's a reason 30yo ish guys date teenagers and early 20s women, because they are so immature women older won't date them. Seen a few friends date losers like this.
I would kick him so hard in the nards that he would never be able to impregnate anyone ever again! Girl, take YOUR baby and RUN
Oh my god, what a f*****g a*****e! And she apologized??!! You kidding me. What if she tripped down the stairs while she was running down and hurt herself and the baby? Wow, just wow.....I would have killed that m**********r not apologizing to him.
You went to apologize WTF. Get a Divorce lawyer NOW. WTF he is a a*****e
This shït pisses me off so much I just don't have sufficient words. What a fúcking psycotic asshõle!!!
She apologized to him?! OMFG. She should've shoved him out the door and never let him back in.
Pranks and practical jokes are only funny when both parties are "in on it"--yelling FIRE when there is none is outrageous. That's like pulling a fire alarm in a school when there is no fire. It's against the law. I've, thankfully, never been in a fire but it terrifies me to even think about it. And being pregnant? Does he think jumping out from behind the door with a tarantula in his hands is funny? You're lucky you didn't go into labor. And your husband is an idiot, never to be trusted again. Cut him loose.
For your child's sake and your own mental health, move in with a family member, a friend or a women's shelter NOW. Get a PFA and a divorce before this escalates into physical as well as mental abuse. Tell your doc,and anyone else what he found so funny...
It sucks that she is having a child with this man, because ideally she should separate her life from him completely if possible.
Sounds like he was trying to get her to miscarry. What kind of clueless c**t would try and play pranks on a pregnant woman? He should be looking after her not terrorising her. Some very very dark psychological problems with this monster. Not fit to be a parent. Already shown grooming behaviour. Alarm bells ringing!
I cannot believe OP thought she owed this POS an APOLOGY!! Then he has the audacity to tell HER she made him feel bad when she overreacted??? OMG, I would never let this POS near my child unchaperoned. Can you imagine the "pranks" he would play on a defenseless child? I would be at an attorney's office as soon as the sun rises.
I don't allow my kids to watch "prank" videos and this story (along with others on BP) just confirmed my views... It is so very much not funny.
This was not a prank and even less so a harmless one. That would be terrible and a good reason for divorce, if she were not pregnant and did not have trauma. All these things together in adition to their absolute power imbalance because of their ages, this man is a pure psycho. If a partner would pull that "prank" on me, I would pull one right back, cause I would throw them out in their pyjamas that instance, they could consider themself lucky if I would even throw them their phone out of a window for them to catch.
OP most probably has PTSD and her husband is an incredible jerk for pulling a prank on her over that. He could caused her to go into premature labour or caused her to fall down the steps in panic. She needs counseling to help her deal with her trauma. He needs a good paddle on his backside for his juvenile behavior. If it was me I'd be kicking him to the curb
Horrific, absolutely horrific. This horrific shock could well have impacted on the baby and instead of getting her and the baby medically checked incase the baby was also in distress, he's f****d off somewhere as She had to go find him to apologise. If she'd lost the baby due to his "prank" he'd be blaming her. From the sounds of it, she only met him 2-3 Years after the horrendous fire that took everything she ever had, her cat, her home and when you lose your home, you lose your stability, your base. I strongly suspect much more abuse going on too, nice subtle stuff that she's not seeing. Poor, poor woman. I hope she's free of this absolute arsehole very soon 🤞
I found her Reddit page! They met when she was 18. In many of her answers, she is defending him. i.e., "...it's often an argument that I'm "too sensitive"." "I apologized because he made a big deal about me making him feel horrible." So many down votes. But no follow up. This post occurred on Aug 1, 2024. No follow up.
Get out, fool. This narcissistic bully is DANGEROUS! GET THE HELL OUT WHILE HE'S GONE & FILE A DIVORCE AND RESTAINING ORDER! This Monster WILL Try To Harm You AGAIN!
My family and I had a house fire when I was 18 years old, about two weeks before Christmas. Thankfully, no one died and the fire was contained to the third floor, but there was mainly smoke and water damage to the rest of the house (my mom, eldest sister and her son were home at the time, they were saved thanks to an excessively LOUD doorbell that neighbors, seeing the smoke, kept ringing). If my husband dared to even pull this stunt while I was heavily pregnant, I would not only yell at him, I'd be telling my family about it and they would've given him the "Philly beatdown" for putting me and my baby at risk. Plus, he would've been barred from the delivery room because he dared to endanger us (medical staff can bar anyone including spouses and partners if they are deemed a risk to mom and baby)!
NTA. He thought that making you relive the worst trauma in your life was funny. No it was downright cruel and the last thing you should have done was apologise. This is a massive red flag and he will never change. For the sake of your sanity get away from him for good.
“Honey, that night you woke me up and told me the house was on fire? The baby died that night. You killed our baby. Yes, sweetie; your son is dead. Oh, stop crying! That was a harmless prank! I’m holding the baby as we speak! Now wipe your nose and sign these papers, please.”
2 wrongs don't make it right, plus with his behavior and attitude I highly doubt he'd even care if the baby didn't make it.
Load More Replies...We litterally have hundreds of videos of people doing this kind of stuff.
Load More Replies...