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Wife Has Enough Of Hubby Waking Baby At 5AM Due To Workouts And Leaving Her To Deal With Cranky Kid

Wife Has Enough Of Hubby Waking Baby At 5AM Due To Workouts And Leaving Her To Deal With Cranky Kid

Interview With Expert Guy Regularly Wakes Up At 5AM To Get Some Workouts In, Wife Asks Him To Stop Once And For AllWife Has Enough Of Hubby Waking Baby Early Due To Workouts And Leaving Her To Deal With Cranky KidMan Called Out For Shirking Fatherly Duties By Waking Up Baby And Leaving Wife To Deal With HimMan's 5AM Workout Disturbs Toddler During Holiday, Wife Tells Him To Give Up His RoutineWife And Toddler Woken Up At 5AM When Man Goes To Exercise, Wife Tells Him To Stop Waking Up EarlyMan Keeps Waking Up For 5AM Workouts On Vacation, Wife Is Livid As He Also Wakes Up The BabyWife Puts A Halt On Man's 5AM Workouts As They Wake Toddler And Disturb Her TooWife Has Enough Of Hubby Waking Baby At 5AM Due To Workouts And Leaving Her To Deal With Cranky KidWife Has Enough Of Hubby Waking Baby At 5AM Due To Workouts And Leaving Her To Deal With Cranky KidWife Has Enough Of Hubby Waking Baby At 5AM Due To Workouts And Leaving Her To Deal With Cranky Kid

Being a new parent is a joyful yet exhausting experience. Along with the pleasure of watching the baby grow, there’s the other side with disturbed sleep, tons of responsibilities, and most importantly, compromises. Because adjusting to the needs of the baby comes before everything else.

But these compromises should be made by both parents so that one is not burdened by everything. That’s what Reddit user purpley5 was asking for when she told her husband to quit his early workout sessions during vacation as they were waking up their toddler at 5 am, leaving him cranky all day. 

More info: Reddit

Parents of a newborn go on a vacation with family where the husband wakes up at 5 am for his regular workout with his brother

Image credits: cookie_studio (not the actual photo)

But his 16-month-old son also wakes up early because they are sharing the same bed, and the baby gets cranky due to disturbed sleep, leaving the poster to deal with him

Image credits: Yan Krukau (not the actual photo)

After four days of this happening, the wife put her foot down and told her husband to stop waking up early for his workout


Image credits: purpley5

They argued about this, and while he reluctantly agreed with her, his brother was unhappy as they could no longer work out together

As you already know, this is a story about the parents of a newborn and the test of compromise that they faced. Let’s dive right into it. It all began when the new parents went on a two-week vacation with their family. The original poster’s (OP) husband had a habit of waking up early for his daily workout and he continued to do so even during the vacation.

He and his brother would wake up at 5 am daily for an early workout sesh so they could spend time with their family during the day. But the thing is, OP’s 16-month-old toddler was also sleeping in the same bed as her and her husband because he couldn’t sleep otherwise. It might have been because of the new environment that the baby couldn’t adjust to quickly, so sleeping with parents was the only option.

However, babies being babies, the newborn ended up waking up every morning when the dad did, in turn, waking up the poster, too. And just like any baby, their son would be in a bad mood and cranky all day because of being woken up so early at 5 am. After four days of this, OP finally put her foot down and told her husband that he had to stop waking up early for the remaining days of the vacation.


As per Cleveland Clinic, “It’s necessary for your baby to sleep a lot because they’re quickly growing and developing. They need the sleep to support all aspects of their physical and mental health.” Looks like waking up early is harmful to a baby, so maybe the poster was right to take action against it.

The man said that he would be more careful and not wake up the toddler. But the poster replied that as soon as he left the bed, the baby woke up instantly, so he just had to stop. Well, after a bit of arguing, he finally complied and agreed to stop waking up early. Apart from the man, his brother was also unhappy about this as they wanted to work out together. 

So, probably feeling confused, the new mom went online and asked Redditors whether she was in the wrong for asking her husband to stop waking up early. And the people online had a lot to say about this matter!

Image credits: freepik (not the actual photo)

Most of them sided with the wife, stating that she was not in the wrong for asking him to make a compromise for the sake of their son. They were worried that the daily disturbance of a toddler’s sleep cycle was not a good thing as it would hamper the physical and mental health of their son and he might face problems during his developing age.


To get expert insights, Bored Panda reached out to Gazala Khan, a trainee counselor at Silverline Counselling. She said, “The curious mind of a toddler remains active throughout the day and thus needs a resting sleep of at least 11 to 16 hours. A consistent sleep routine is essential for the overall mental and physical development. A disrupted sleep cycle does not only make them cranky but also impacts their attention span, energy levels, learning abilities, memory, and behavior.”

So, it seems highly crucial that the toddler get appropriate sleep for his well-being. Folks also pointed out that the husband went for his workout, leaving the mother to deal with the moody kid. They said that he was shirking his paternal duties to enjoy the vacation while expecting the mother to bear the brunt of a cranky kid and ruining her vacation.

“When one parent is burdened with the duties of a toddler, with an absence of their partner, leaving them alone in the struggle, it can affect the relationship between the partners and instead of enjoying parenthood they may start seeing it as a burden,” says Gazala. So, just expecting the mother to take care of the kid and leaving his fatherly duties is not the solution, as Redditors pointed out.

They also stressed that compromise should be made by both parents. According to Gazala, “In case the new parents decide not to make compromises, it will lay a shaky foundation for their future family dynamics. Not prioritizing the child and not accepting equal parental responsibilities detriments the relationship between two individuals.”


“The emotional connection between the toddler and the parents suffers as even a toddler can sense a lack of attention and neglect from its caretakers. Such issues often grow into complex mental health concerns in later stages of the child’s life.”

People also tried to sympathize with the father and his daily routine, but they advised him to either change the workout time or sleep on the couch or with his brother. They also pointed out that it was not the brother’s place to be unhappy about this as the issue was between the couple. Now that was from the netizens, but we want to hear from you, so just scroll down and leave your thoughts in the comments!


Image credits: Drazen Zigic (not the actual photo)

When she sought advice online, netizens told the woman that her husband was in the wrong for ruining the baby’s sleep as it could adversely impact his health


Image credits: tawatchai07 (not the actual photo)

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notlikeyou1971 avatar
Community Member
2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

NTA but if he wakes the baby he has to take care of the baby until the baby gets back to sleep. Either that or he sleeps separately from you if he intends on continuing this 5am routine. I'm sure a mother of a baby is exhausted and the struggle to get a baby to sleep is difficult. You need to be considerate of everyone in this situation. Not just his want to get up at 5am and exercise. IT'S A VACATION!Does he do anything to help? Does he think of the fact that she and the baby need sleep too. Tell BIL to pound sand . Why can't he understand? I suppose he doesn't have kids. Why can't there be a compromise so that Mom and baby can sleep and everyone can enjoy the vacation.

capt-requal avatar
Community Member
2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is the best comment I've read here so far. It's not an either-or situation. There are so many possible win-win solutions. Why go straight to "stop doing the thing you like" when all the possible alternatives haven't yet been explored?

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jldrumm avatar
Captain McSmoot
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No AHs. The 16-month old can sleep separately or the husband can. Asking the husband to put his health routine on rest for two weeks isn't fair nor a good thing to ask. He is staying healthy and fit and being able to spend time with his brother all while not sacrificing time with his family on vacation. That's pretty awesome.

cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
Community Member
2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Plus, isn't it dangerous for the child to sleep in the same bed with adults? I know OP said he's 16 months (so... a year old, lol) but it still seems a little unsafe to sleep in a bed with adults. They were at a hotel, but Daddio could ask for a cot/rollaway bed. Or a crib for the child, as AFAIK, most children are still sleeping in a crib at one year of age...?

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johannakemshell avatar
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They're on holiday, in a hotel. I'm goung to take a stab that the travel cot is why the youngest is in bed with the parents (2 of mine refused to sleep in travel cots, 1 totally didnt care - every baby is different). Two weeks of just rescheduling would work fine. Why cant the husband & borther meet up at 7am for exercise? OP isn't complaining he's out, she's just bloody tired, I'm sure a 2 hour change wouldn't kill anyone, plus it'd make a less grumpy 16mth old and mother - surely that's not a problem??

anonymoususer_6 avatar
Anonymous User
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Everyone acting like suggesting a cot is the greatest idea since sliced bread. She is a mother. Her whole life is problem solving. She thought of it long before even considering writing this post. People should consider, just for a moment, that if someone is coming here with such a problem, they already likely thought of the easiest thing and it wasn't a solution.

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notlikeyou1971 avatar
Community Member
2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

NTA but if he wakes the baby he has to take care of the baby until the baby gets back to sleep. Either that or he sleeps separately from you if he intends on continuing this 5am routine. I'm sure a mother of a baby is exhausted and the struggle to get a baby to sleep is difficult. You need to be considerate of everyone in this situation. Not just his want to get up at 5am and exercise. IT'S A VACATION!Does he do anything to help? Does he think of the fact that she and the baby need sleep too. Tell BIL to pound sand . Why can't he understand? I suppose he doesn't have kids. Why can't there be a compromise so that Mom and baby can sleep and everyone can enjoy the vacation.

capt-requal avatar
Community Member
2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

This is the best comment I've read here so far. It's not an either-or situation. There are so many possible win-win solutions. Why go straight to "stop doing the thing you like" when all the possible alternatives haven't yet been explored?

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jldrumm avatar
Captain McSmoot
Community Member
2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

No AHs. The 16-month old can sleep separately or the husband can. Asking the husband to put his health routine on rest for two weeks isn't fair nor a good thing to ask. He is staying healthy and fit and being able to spend time with his brother all while not sacrificing time with his family on vacation. That's pretty awesome.

cali-tabby-katz avatar
LakotaWolf (she/her)
Community Member
2 weeks ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Plus, isn't it dangerous for the child to sleep in the same bed with adults? I know OP said he's 16 months (so... a year old, lol) but it still seems a little unsafe to sleep in a bed with adults. They were at a hotel, but Daddio could ask for a cot/rollaway bed. Or a crib for the child, as AFAIK, most children are still sleeping in a crib at one year of age...?

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johannakemshell avatar
Community Member
2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

They're on holiday, in a hotel. I'm goung to take a stab that the travel cot is why the youngest is in bed with the parents (2 of mine refused to sleep in travel cots, 1 totally didnt care - every baby is different). Two weeks of just rescheduling would work fine. Why cant the husband & borther meet up at 7am for exercise? OP isn't complaining he's out, she's just bloody tired, I'm sure a 2 hour change wouldn't kill anyone, plus it'd make a less grumpy 16mth old and mother - surely that's not a problem??

anonymoususer_6 avatar
Anonymous User
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2 weeks ago DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

Everyone acting like suggesting a cot is the greatest idea since sliced bread. She is a mother. Her whole life is problem solving. She thought of it long before even considering writing this post. People should consider, just for a moment, that if someone is coming here with such a problem, they already likely thought of the easiest thing and it wasn't a solution.

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