Man Abandons Wife In Crisis While MIL Hosts ‘Book Club’ In Their Home: ”I’m Losing My Mind”
Life as a new parent can often get overwhelming. However, sharing the challenges of parenthood with an understanding partner who is always eager to lend a hand can relieve the stress and doubts that tire them immensely.
Unfortunately, this new mom’s husband refused to help, and she was left to take care of him, their newborn, home, dog, and mother-in-law all by herself, which drove her to the point of exhaustion. Lost on how to deal with such a situation, she turned online, asking for advice.
Sharing the challenges of parenthood with a partner can make it less stressful
Image credits: YuriArcursPeopleimages (not the actual photo)
Unfortunately, this woman didn’t end up with an understanding husband and had to do everything by herself after their newborn arrived
Image credits: Lelia_Milaya (not the actual photo)
Image credits: EuphoricWitness755
“The division of roles and responsibilities is the biggest difficulty that parents face”
“The division of roles and responsibilities is the biggest difficulty that parents face,” said couples coach Aaron Steinberg to NPR. This often happens because parents can feel like they’re taking on too many tasks. Moms usually experience this more, as they take on more labor out of convenience if they are the ones who stay at home when the baby is born.
Another reason for this is partners feeling unsure how to be the most helpful after a newborn arrives, so they distance themselves and leave most things up to their significant other. They aren’t necessarily doing it on purpose. They are, too, dealing with parenthood for the first time and may be anxious to do something wrong or not live up to the expectations.
Partner’s upbringing can also have influence on their level of involvement and support for their significant other. If their family was operating based on traditional gender roles, they might be behaving on autopilot. In addition, many men find pride in providing for their family and make their jobs their primary identity, which may cause them to overlook other vital responsibilities.
Nevertheless, it’s important that parents share responsibilities after a baby is born, as unequally shared parenting time can lead to psychological and physical exhaustion or even postpartum depression. Mothers, especially, are vulnerable to this after birth without support as they go through many physical, hormonal, and psychological changes. Delegating tasks ensures that they have the rest they need to heal and adapt to them better.
Image credits: ArseniiPalivoda (not the actual photo)
Fairly splitting parenting and home responsibilities allows new parents to enjoy their novel role and have time for themselves
To split responsibilities fairly, first the couple needs to evaluate what they entail, says Steinberg. This means sitting down together before the baby arrives and writing a list of all tasks that have to be done, including child care duties. Less visible labor that requires a lot of mental power, like scheduling doctor appointments and meal planning, should also be added to it.
Then, the tasks can be assigned playing to one strengths while also keeping in mind the weight of each responsibility and free time the person has. It might not be possible to split the chores 50/50, but keeping it flexible and actually doing the work can help both partners avoid getting overwhelmed and extremely fatigued.
The most important thing during all of this is to keep communicating and addressing any frustrations that arise. If something isn’t working, work as a team to find a solution. Equally crucial is shuffling the schedule to fit in some alone and couple time. Parents who take care of themselves and have a stable relationship are better equipped to deal with parenthood challenges that come their way.
Fairly splitting parenting and home responsibilities allows new parents to enjoy their novel role and have time for themselves or their careers. No one has to feel burdened with chores, and the baby gets to grow up in a serene environment fostered by strong parental teamwork. Just because one partner is a stay-at-home parent it doesn’t mean they don’t need time to rest. Ensuring a baby’s well-being and taking care of them takes a lot of time and effort throughout the day, which is important to keep in mind when delegating responsibilities equally.
Image credits: alinabuphoto (not the actual photo)
Readers decided that the new mom definitely wasn’t the jerk in this situation
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Does anyone know if there's an update? If this story is real, it's beyond disgusting. I hope she's managed to get away from those "people" (inverted commas because you cannot be human if you behave that way).
I just checked Reddit (OP's post was a month ago) and there is no update. The OP hasn't made any replies at all, from what I saw. I hope she's ok.
Load More Replies...If this is real, girl, get yourself & the baby, & the dog, TF OUT of there. Drop the poor dog at a vet, and drive as far as possible. That said, this seems like a click/rage story. I hope it is, because anyone living in this situation needs to be out of it for the sake of the baby & yourself.
Oh, it's probably real, all right, it's pretty much what happened to me after my son was born.
Load More Replies...Holy sh*t! That poor mom. I hope she divorces his a**e (for emotional bullying and severe neglect), and I wonder if the MiL is doing something to the dog, food-wise? She obviously hates the OP - and is a mean b***h, and the FiL prob kicked her out bc of her toxicity - that she passed on to her son. I truly hope the OP listens to the advice and starts divorce proceedings. It may be difficult being a lone parent, but then she'll only have to care for her baby and herself, and not those vile people. It also makes me wonder how long they've been married? Having kids too soon in a relationship is a risky business (for the mom, esp), imo.
1. Get out now ... this is beyond the pale 2. Sometimes dogs can not dtop vomiting on their own. The nerv that initiats vomiting to get rid of something might be overstimulated , if it is that, easy solution ... go to vet, dog gets a shot, vomiting stops immediately 3. For the love of god get out ... run fast and far.
NTA. But after all this, I would go commando on everyone's asses. MIL: "I'm not your damned maid; get your own tea;" "You can fix your own meals; your legs aren't broken. But one more snipe, and that can change;" "From now on, that brood of cackling hens you call a book club will meet elsewhere, not at this house, unless you and they want to deal with the police;" "Did I ask for your opinions on ANYTHING? Pack up and get out. NOW!" Sperm Donor: (as you deposit the divorce papers, attorney's phone number, and rings on the kitchen table): "Have a nice life with your mother. We communicate through attorneys only. One text, phone call, email, or visit from ANY of your flying monkeys, and criminal charges WILL be filed IMMEDIATELY. See you in court." Then grab the baby and split. Dealing with one child is exhausting enough; dealing with a man-child is mental collapse territory.
OP has more tolerance than I ever have...MIL would have been out on her a$$ with the 1st gathering of her "book club". As for the husband...frying pan to the head comes to mind but I tend to not act upon those thoughts LOL. Makes you wonder if he was always this big of an a$$hole or is this a sudden change with the baby? Normally people don't change overnight so if this was the way he has always been...why in the world did she have a child with this man because it seems like he hates her. Seriously though, this story reads as if she's not wanted or loved in that house. And I am sure that's exactly how she feels. Kick them both out or leave because if this is how he acts when you are sick & recovering from surgery then he isn't worth spending the rest of your life with.
Sounds like the husband doesn't like OP. Or the child. They should just divorce now when it's easier (since she gets no support from him anyway).
How tragic to realize only after you've had a child, how completely worthless your husband it. Time to contact a lawyer, there's nothing worth saving here. In the meantime I'd make it my mission in life to make MIL uncomfortable and unhappy in my house. I'd make sure she's woken up every time I got up with the baby. I'd tell her every day what a terrible burden it is to have her, a totally worthless freeloader, who contributes nothing to the world squatting in my home. I wouldn't cook/shop/clean for her at all. Just remind her every day of how I despise her and have no respect for her and what a terrible mother she is to have raised such an entirely worthless son. I bet I could have her out in a week, and in need of therapy from the trauma.
I hope she has a brother. I'd cheerfully batter the husband into a coma and the MIL would be leaving the house at high speed through a closed upper storey window.
She doesnt need one, shes up all night, the husband sleeps. No ones on guard in their sleep.
Load More Replies...I am outraged FOR the OP!! I agree with everyone who said for OP to get away from the toxic MIL and spouse!! They only added to the problems. The OP needs to take her baby and leave those two to themselves. As for the colic, my husband undid the buzer on our dryer, strapped on an extra babysat to the top and would throw in a pair of his tennis shoes. The warmth and vibration of the dryer running would sooth the colicky baby to sleep. However there are also stretches and rubs that can be done to help baby to remove gas and discomfort after feeding. So many options for colic and none involve criticism from toxic people not offering any help.
Throw out the whole family. Also, unless you have good reason not to, assume MIL somehow contributed to the dog's illness.
And for anyone with a baby that has colic and/or acid reflux, no, you are not doing it wrong. Baby has pain, so baby will cry. Understand that it is not your fault, so you can relax more, so baby will not pick up on your stress, but instead get the reassurance that it will get better. And use any chance you get, however small, to gt in some sleep for yourself. Forget the laundry for a moment and don't worry about keeping the house sparklingly clean. If DH can't babysit, he'd at least be capable of washing a load or two, getting the dishes done and wiping some surfaces. You are a hero for getting up at night, maybe two or three times, to comfort and nurse baby-dear. You should be your second point of focus, so you stay strong enough to care for baby. DH can care for himself in the least. (Yes, he should take care of his family, if he wants to call himself a father, but regrettably that is not always the case.)
Why are you having a child with this man? If you didn't discuss expectations, that's partially on you, but mostly, he's an AH, and just keep yourself afloat until you feel well enough to leave. But honestly, this isn't a new attitude from him, and clearly thats how he was raised. Stop scrambling DNA with bad people. It leads to bad situations.
Wow, way to go making it her fault somehow. She’s perilously close to a complete breakdown, I’m frankly amazed she’s still functioning enough to write this whole story down. Yes, she needs to leave, but she doesn’t need more criticism.
Load More Replies...Does anyone know if there's an update? If this story is real, it's beyond disgusting. I hope she's managed to get away from those "people" (inverted commas because you cannot be human if you behave that way).
I just checked Reddit (OP's post was a month ago) and there is no update. The OP hasn't made any replies at all, from what I saw. I hope she's ok.
Load More Replies...If this is real, girl, get yourself & the baby, & the dog, TF OUT of there. Drop the poor dog at a vet, and drive as far as possible. That said, this seems like a click/rage story. I hope it is, because anyone living in this situation needs to be out of it for the sake of the baby & yourself.
Oh, it's probably real, all right, it's pretty much what happened to me after my son was born.
Load More Replies...Holy sh*t! That poor mom. I hope she divorces his a**e (for emotional bullying and severe neglect), and I wonder if the MiL is doing something to the dog, food-wise? She obviously hates the OP - and is a mean b***h, and the FiL prob kicked her out bc of her toxicity - that she passed on to her son. I truly hope the OP listens to the advice and starts divorce proceedings. It may be difficult being a lone parent, but then she'll only have to care for her baby and herself, and not those vile people. It also makes me wonder how long they've been married? Having kids too soon in a relationship is a risky business (for the mom, esp), imo.
1. Get out now ... this is beyond the pale 2. Sometimes dogs can not dtop vomiting on their own. The nerv that initiats vomiting to get rid of something might be overstimulated , if it is that, easy solution ... go to vet, dog gets a shot, vomiting stops immediately 3. For the love of god get out ... run fast and far.
NTA. But after all this, I would go commando on everyone's asses. MIL: "I'm not your damned maid; get your own tea;" "You can fix your own meals; your legs aren't broken. But one more snipe, and that can change;" "From now on, that brood of cackling hens you call a book club will meet elsewhere, not at this house, unless you and they want to deal with the police;" "Did I ask for your opinions on ANYTHING? Pack up and get out. NOW!" Sperm Donor: (as you deposit the divorce papers, attorney's phone number, and rings on the kitchen table): "Have a nice life with your mother. We communicate through attorneys only. One text, phone call, email, or visit from ANY of your flying monkeys, and criminal charges WILL be filed IMMEDIATELY. See you in court." Then grab the baby and split. Dealing with one child is exhausting enough; dealing with a man-child is mental collapse territory.
OP has more tolerance than I ever have...MIL would have been out on her a$$ with the 1st gathering of her "book club". As for the husband...frying pan to the head comes to mind but I tend to not act upon those thoughts LOL. Makes you wonder if he was always this big of an a$$hole or is this a sudden change with the baby? Normally people don't change overnight so if this was the way he has always been...why in the world did she have a child with this man because it seems like he hates her. Seriously though, this story reads as if she's not wanted or loved in that house. And I am sure that's exactly how she feels. Kick them both out or leave because if this is how he acts when you are sick & recovering from surgery then he isn't worth spending the rest of your life with.
Sounds like the husband doesn't like OP. Or the child. They should just divorce now when it's easier (since she gets no support from him anyway).
How tragic to realize only after you've had a child, how completely worthless your husband it. Time to contact a lawyer, there's nothing worth saving here. In the meantime I'd make it my mission in life to make MIL uncomfortable and unhappy in my house. I'd make sure she's woken up every time I got up with the baby. I'd tell her every day what a terrible burden it is to have her, a totally worthless freeloader, who contributes nothing to the world squatting in my home. I wouldn't cook/shop/clean for her at all. Just remind her every day of how I despise her and have no respect for her and what a terrible mother she is to have raised such an entirely worthless son. I bet I could have her out in a week, and in need of therapy from the trauma.
I hope she has a brother. I'd cheerfully batter the husband into a coma and the MIL would be leaving the house at high speed through a closed upper storey window.
She doesnt need one, shes up all night, the husband sleeps. No ones on guard in their sleep.
Load More Replies...I am outraged FOR the OP!! I agree with everyone who said for OP to get away from the toxic MIL and spouse!! They only added to the problems. The OP needs to take her baby and leave those two to themselves. As for the colic, my husband undid the buzer on our dryer, strapped on an extra babysat to the top and would throw in a pair of his tennis shoes. The warmth and vibration of the dryer running would sooth the colicky baby to sleep. However there are also stretches and rubs that can be done to help baby to remove gas and discomfort after feeding. So many options for colic and none involve criticism from toxic people not offering any help.
Throw out the whole family. Also, unless you have good reason not to, assume MIL somehow contributed to the dog's illness.
And for anyone with a baby that has colic and/or acid reflux, no, you are not doing it wrong. Baby has pain, so baby will cry. Understand that it is not your fault, so you can relax more, so baby will not pick up on your stress, but instead get the reassurance that it will get better. And use any chance you get, however small, to gt in some sleep for yourself. Forget the laundry for a moment and don't worry about keeping the house sparklingly clean. If DH can't babysit, he'd at least be capable of washing a load or two, getting the dishes done and wiping some surfaces. You are a hero for getting up at night, maybe two or three times, to comfort and nurse baby-dear. You should be your second point of focus, so you stay strong enough to care for baby. DH can care for himself in the least. (Yes, he should take care of his family, if he wants to call himself a father, but regrettably that is not always the case.)
Why are you having a child with this man? If you didn't discuss expectations, that's partially on you, but mostly, he's an AH, and just keep yourself afloat until you feel well enough to leave. But honestly, this isn't a new attitude from him, and clearly thats how he was raised. Stop scrambling DNA with bad people. It leads to bad situations.
Wow, way to go making it her fault somehow. She’s perilously close to a complete breakdown, I’m frankly amazed she’s still functioning enough to write this whole story down. Yes, she needs to leave, but she doesn’t need more criticism.
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