This Artist Brings Laughter To Bird And Nature Lovers With Humorous Comics (30 Pics)
Interview With ArtistRosemary Mosco is an author, illustrator, and speaker. She creates humorous bird and nature comics, connecting people with the natural world. Her work makes science accessible and interesting, not to mention undeniably cute.
We've collected some of Mosco's beautiful cartoons to share with you, and you'll see how they make learning about nature fun and enjoyable. Don't forget to upvote your favorite comics and let us know your thoughts in the comments! Did you learn something new?
More info: Instagram | rosemarymosco.com | Facebook | tiktok.com | twitter.com | patreon.com
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Bored Panda reached out to Mosco to learn more about her creative process and herself. The artist shared that she grew up in Ottawa, Canada, a pretty city with lots of nature close by. "I split my time between reading collections of newspaper comics and looking for critters in the gardens and ponds. When I tried making my own cartoons, I made them about what I knew—funny things that my animal neighbors did."
Creating comics that are both engaging and educational is not an easy task. For Mosco, the most challenging part is coming up with jokes that other people will find funny. "Because I spend so much time alone in the woods, I can have trouble deciding if a joke is just amusing to me, or if everybody else will like it. Sometimes it turns out that nope, it was just me. But when other people are laughing along with me, it’s so gratifying," she said.
Comics have a unique way of communicating messages and stories, often in an engaging format. We asked Mosco what messages or stories she aims to convey through her work. The artist replied that she wants to show people that nature is beautiful in its complexity. "I want to express how much I love it, and help other people love it so that they’ll conserve it. Besides my nature comics, I make comics about climate change. Those feel very important because I’m trying to show people that they’re not alone in worrying about this issue. There are so many of us who care. When we know we’re not alone, we become powerful."
A bird invaded our school, giving itself brain damage trying to escape. Like it was flying around. Janitors, students, and eventually animal control. We have no idea how he got inside
"Sometimes people tell me that one of my comics helped them save an animal in need, like a baby bird in distress, a turtle crossing a road, or a lost pet pigeon. Other times, they tell me that I made them smile when they were feeling sad. When I hear that, I never want to stop doing what I’m doing, even if it can be so silly," Mosco shared.
That last one is a Dog Stinkhorn, they grow in chip mulch at my place. Look it up and you'll see why it was blocked out!
Don't forget annoying corvid (not covid, CORVID) time when, if you've accidentally fed them, then in mating season you have "company" and later you may be introduced to the newly fledged kiddies as a reliable source of food. Followed by more corvid hollerin' when you try to convince them your small compost heap was not their snack bar.
You forgot about the famous 'St. Louis Cardinal' easy to spot as it wears a baseball cap 😉
I admire the subtle cartoonish differences that are actually pretty accurate.
Well, crud. I got a puppy by mistake. Think I can still exchange it for a moth? XD