Abused Animals Take Care Of Each Other In This Sanctuary
We can learn from animals more than we think. In a remote part of Bulgaria, there exists a wonderful place called Four-Legged-Friends, where previously abused farm and domestic animals live together in perfect peace and harmony.
It´s incredible to see how close these animals became. They often sleep in the same beds, eat from the same bowls and keep each other warm during the freezing winter months. They all take care of one another.
They would really appreciate some help, however. Keeping all of these animals fed and healthy is a very hard work and costs a lot of money, especially if they depend purely upon donations. You can also own a super cool t-shirt and 100% of the profit will be donated to Four-Legged-Friends
More info: bit.do
He is very protective of Jewel, the young goat
The expression “fighting like cats and dogs” does not apply at this sanctuary
It’s obvious who wears the pants in this relationship
A sympathetic friend is a good friend
Friends watching the world go by
Even the cat is tolerant at this sanctuary
When it’s cold, hugging goes a long way
Friends sunbathing together
Old and young enjoying each other’s company
These animals see no color
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