You have made a quote for repairing a ford excursion front bumper and think it’s too expensive. Below we will explain how an ad hoc repair takes place, following each step of the machining and indicating the execution times. This article refers to a quality repair, to obtain a result equivalent to the part originally mounted on the vehicle. Surely there are other methods that can be used and require lesser times and costs but will not be treated for the respect of the rule of the art.

The rear bumper has a vertical bump on the left side, beside the reflector. Here’s what we do when we are confronted with a similar case:

Administration (30 ‘)

For every workmanship, consider administrative times, which are essential for proper repair management:

*analysis of the damage

*rite photographs

*making a quote

*opening of the work dossier

*Cleaning of the vehicle (15 ‘)

A brief cleaning of the vehicle (outside) is required in some cases. This is to ensure good machining to the operator and to be able to observe any pre-existing damage.

Disassembly (30 ‘)

The disassembly of the vehicle must be carried out in such a way as to avoid damaging any adjacent parts, and to avoid additional unplanned costs due to breakages or otherwise. At this stage are expected:

*Removing the bumper

*Removing the bumper accessories (sensors, reflectors, plate, ..)

*Vehicle Handling

The repair of the bumper (with the help of a thermal phonon and a good manual) is necessary to avoid filling the substrate in the processing of filling materials (eg stucco). This phase provides:

*Damaged parts modeling

*Repair of cuts on plastic

*Reinforcement with metal mesh and two-component glue (or materials with equivalent function) on the inside

Stuccoing and Leveling (45 ‘)

After repairs, it is necessary to level the support. This phase provides:


*Damaged part stain

*Apply (if necessary) a thin layer of elasticized stucco

*Stucco drying

*Sanding of the machined part and leveling (several steps with decreasing grain size – 120/240/400)

Insulating bottom application (30 ‘)

This coating preparation step involves the application of an insulating bottom, which allows to uniform the machined part and to correct small imperfections. This phase provides:

*Insulation Bottom Mix Preparation Two Components (With Elasticizer)

*Cleaning the support and insulating bottom application (2-3 hands)

*Cleaning the paint gun

Drying and sanding insulating bottom (30 ‘)

insulating bottom with infrared full sanding of the 2005 ford excursion rear bumper sanding of the insulating bottom

The last stage of painting preparation involves:

*Drying of the insulating base hands

*Sandblasting of the insulating bottom (multiple steps with grains decreasing in size – 320/500)

*Sanding of the remaining part in work (full bumper)

Color Search (30 ‘)

Contrary to what one might think, color research is more complicated than it seems. Each vehicle has a color code that defines its base color. For each color code, however, there may be more variations (from 2 up to a dozen) ranging from: metal magnitude, more or less reddish tint, slightly yellow tint, and other variations. To be able to get the right one coloring you have to accurately compare the variants, define the best and if you want to do paintwork tests. In case the right variant is not available, it is necessary to perform a measurement with a spectrophotometer.


*Color code search on a vehicle

*Verification of variants

*Paint a sample

Painting Preparation (45 ‘)

Before painting the workpiece you must:

*Degrease and clean the media with specific products several times

*Secure the bumper so that it can paint all parts evenly

*Prepare the color blend (matt base) and the second transparent blend

Painting (75 ‘)

The painting takes place in two main phases:

*Matte base application (2 hands)

*Stain of metal, possibly gradient

*Drying of the matt base

*Transparent Application (1 Half Hand)

*Transparent drying

*Cleaning of paint guns

Mounting (30 ‘) and finish (60’)

During the assembly phase, carefully care must be taken to avoid damaging the fresh paint bumper. Then, in addition to mounting, one must consider:

*Perform an error check with an electronic tester

*Possible polishing or removal of paint defects

*Check-list of rite

*Internal and external cleaning

*Visual inspection of the finished vehicle

By adding all the machining times, there is a need for more than 7 hours of work and nearly 250 CHF of material to perform a repair according to the rule of the art.

More info:


    How to Repair a Rear Bumper and How Much Does it Cost?


    You have made a quote for repairing a ford excursion front bumper and think it’s too expensive. Below we will explain how an ad hoc repair takes place, following each step of the machining and indicating the execution times. This article refers to a quality repair, to obtain a result equivalent to the part originally mounted on the vehicle. Surely there are other methods that can be used and require lesser times and costs but will not be treated for the respect of the rule of the art.

    The rear bumper has a vertical bump on the left side, beside the reflector. Here’s what we do when we are confronted with a similar case:

    Administration (30 ‘)

    For every workmanship, consider administrative times, which are essential for proper repair management:

    *analysis of the damage

    *rite photographs

    *making a quote

    *opening of the work dossier

    *Cleaning of the vehicle (15 ‘)

    A brief cleaning of the vehicle (outside) is required in some cases. This is to ensure good machining to the operator and to be able to observe any pre-existing damage.

    Disassembly (30 ‘)

    The disassembly of the vehicle must be carried out in such a way as to avoid damaging any adjacent parts, and to avoid additional unplanned costs due to breakages or otherwise. At this stage are expected:

    *Removing the bumper

    *Removing the bumper accessories (sensors, reflectors, plate, ..)

    *Vehicle Handling

    The repair of the bumper (with the help of a thermal phonon and a good manual) is necessary to avoid filling the substrate in the processing of filling materials (eg stucco). This phase provides:

    *Damaged parts modeling

    *Repair of cuts on plastic

    *Reinforcement with metal mesh and two-component glue (or materials with equivalent function) on the inside

    Stuccoing and Leveling (45 ‘)

    After repairs, it is necessary to level the support. This phase provides:


    *Damaged part stain

    *Apply (if necessary) a thin layer of elasticized stucco

    *Stucco drying

    *Sanding of the machined part and leveling (several steps with decreasing grain size – 120/240/400)

    Insulating bottom application (30 ‘)

    This coating preparation step involves the application of an insulating bottom, which allows to uniform the machined part and to correct small imperfections. This phase provides:

    *Insulation Bottom Mix Preparation Two Components (With Elasticizer)

    *Cleaning the support and insulating bottom application (2-3 hands)

    *Cleaning the paint gun

    Drying and sanding insulating bottom (30 ‘)

    insulating bottom with infrared full sanding of the 2005 ford excursion rear bumper sanding of the insulating bottom

    The last stage of painting preparation involves:

    *Drying of the insulating base hands

    *Sandblasting of the insulating bottom (multiple steps with grains decreasing in size – 320/500)

    *Sanding of the remaining part in work (full bumper)

    Color Search (30 ‘)

    Contrary to what one might think, color research is more complicated than it seems. Each vehicle has a color code that defines its base color. For each color code, however, there may be more variations (from 2 up to a dozen) ranging from: metal magnitude, more or less reddish tint, slightly yellow tint, and other variations. To be able to get the right one coloring you have to accurately compare the variants, define the best and if you want to do paintwork tests. In case the right variant is not available, it is necessary to perform a measurement with a spectrophotometer.


    *Color code search on a vehicle

    *Verification of variants

    *Paint a sample

    Painting Preparation (45 ‘)

    Before painting the workpiece you must:

    *Degrease and clean the media with specific products several times

    *Secure the bumper so that it can paint all parts evenly

    *Prepare the color blend (matt base) and the second transparent blend

    Painting (75 ‘)

    The painting takes place in two main phases:

    *Matte base application (2 hands)

    *Stain of metal, possibly gradient

    *Drying of the matt base

    *Transparent Application (1 Half Hand)

    *Transparent drying

    *Cleaning of paint guns

    Mounting (30 ‘) and finish (60’)

    During the assembly phase, carefully care must be taken to avoid damaging the fresh paint bumper. Then, in addition to mounting, one must consider:

    *Perform an error check with an electronic tester

    *Possible polishing or removal of paint defects

    *Check-list of rite

    *Internal and external cleaning

    *Visual inspection of the finished vehicle

    By adding all the machining times, there is a need for more than 7 hours of work and nearly 250 CHF of material to perform a repair according to the rule of the art.

    More info:


      How to Repair a Rear Bumper and How Much Does it Cost?