It's been a while since I wrote a story on the site about art during the war, so let's continue with these stories.
In October 2024, my friends and I met in the center of Dnipro at the large estate museum of Dmytro Yavornytskyi, one of the historical museum's locations. I had long dreamed of painting in this garden, but something always got in the way. As you may know, the city where I live is often hit by rockets, and we have a countrywide curfew, which presents certain obstacles to normal life.
Considering all these circumstances, the suburbs have always seemed like the ideal choice for an art plein air, and even better, somewhere far from the city and large villages.
This time, however, we chose the very center of the city. We gathered as many art materials as we could and got started.
You can see how it went and what we managed to draw in the photos. If you are interested in my work, follow the link on social media.
More info: Facebook
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