Hawaii Will Turn Old City Buses Into Mobile Homeless Shelters With Showers
Old city buses in Hawaii are going to be converted into homeless shelters if architecture firm Group 70 International is successful. The vehicles are to operate in fleets, with different units dedicated to different purposes, from living spaces to recreation rooms.
May Ry Kim of Group 70 International told Hawaii News that the design “is based on the premise that you could walk in to a hardware store, buy everything you need in one go and build everything with no trade skills,” so that it can be built by a team of untrained volunteers.
LIFT, the volunteer organization helping to execute the project hopes to build two buses by the end of this summer. 70 buses and all the material required for renovations will be donated.
More info: group70int.com (h/t: inhabitat)
Up to 70 retired buses in Hawaii will be converted into homeless shelters
Volunteers will strip the interior and renovate using donated material
The buses will function as a mobile fleet
Some will be used for living spaces, others for showers, and others yet as recreation rooms
The project hopes to renovate two buses by the end of the summer
Share on FacebookWhat a novel idea - you're providing a space for the homeless, while at the same time re-purposing a retiring vehicle!
this is so awesome !! I have been fantasizing about doing this in southern California for the last couple years. I'm so happy my fantasy is becoming reality !! If anyone is involved in a project like this in SO CAL please share !!
I think this is AMAZING! It's about time someone came up with an innovative idea to help the homeless instead of pretending they don't exist. It's a great idea & I hope other countries will follow this example. I am still wondering why here in the UK we send millions of pounds overseas when we can't even get our own homeless people off the street! Why?? I just can't understand it. (& yes I have complained to my MP.)
What a novel idea - you're providing a space for the homeless, while at the same time re-purposing a retiring vehicle!
this is so awesome !! I have been fantasizing about doing this in southern California for the last couple years. I'm so happy my fantasy is becoming reality !! If anyone is involved in a project like this in SO CAL please share !!
I think this is AMAZING! It's about time someone came up with an innovative idea to help the homeless instead of pretending they don't exist. It's a great idea & I hope other countries will follow this example. I am still wondering why here in the UK we send millions of pounds overseas when we can't even get our own homeless people off the street! Why?? I just can't understand it. (& yes I have complained to my MP.)