Usually, when you see a stone path with all flowing lines – it’s made with small pebbles and cement.
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I made this alkway dry laid, all natiral, no man made materials used. No cement needed to keep the stone in place
I call this piece Three Rivers Flow All told, it is about 60 feet long. The first mosaic section, shown here, is about 12′ long. The second mosaic section is a few feet and the last one is around 8 feet long. In between these river/mosaic sections, are flagstones.
I’m also lining the path with candle holders. Once can be seen here, upper right
So this path is sort of like a pebble mosaic–only with a pebble mosaic, the stones are usually only an inch or so deep. And, they are set in mortar. Here, the stones are set without any mortar, and they go a good 6 inches down. Takes considerably longer this way–but it’s a different look. Stone types used include Pennsylvania bluestone, in lilac, olive and blue West Mountain sandstone, in yellow and white Pink/lavender and white limestone Purple/Mauve sandstone (Pocono Pink sandstone) Granite in pink, white and yellow, White quartz.
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