50 Painfully Funny Work Memes That Anyone Who Has Worked At Least Once Might Relate To, As Shared On This Facebook Page (New Pics)
Show me a person who says they love every aspect of their job and I'll show you a butt kisser. Whether it's dealing with obnoxious customers, attending tiring meetings that could've been emails, or filing extensive paperwork because nobody at the company figured out a way to optimize that process, every position has its annoyances.
Often, there's not much you can do about it. You voice your dissatisfaction, someone says they'll look into it, and that's that. At which point, the only non-self-destructive way to retain your sanity is by venting online and relating to people who are going through the same nonsense.
Luckily, the Facebook group 'Work Memes' is here to help us do that. With 756.2k members, it's become a place where people come together and joke about their everyday struggles. Continue scrolling to check out their gags. Who knows, maybe realizing that the world hasn't conspired against you is just what you need to get through the next work week.
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Yeah, a$ia. Some of just want to pay our bills and afford things minus the anxiety.
So this is just a d**k move really - or at least in the UK. From memory the rule is the employer needs 2x the notice of the length of the holiday (ie need to give a fortnights notice for a week off) to cancel a holiday without any kind of comeback. So unless these are in the very near future it’ll just f**k up peoples plans.
Asked my 3 year old grandson..."why are you crying, you don't even have a job"...shut him up more out of confusion than anything else
I can't stand 'early risers' cuz they are usually smug about it cuz you're not.
I'm sure it'll work real great with that bored panda watermark on the bottom. Lol
I had a similar thought recently and then BAM I'm home sick with the flu.
Sadly : relatable. Used to have an apologetic face, but they were SO happy to see me...
My mom actually did this one time. I'd been working 70+ hour weeks on an extremely variable schedule, so I'd frequently be off after midnight and back at 5 am. It was allowed in the contract as long as they paid overtime and turnaround pay. One morning I got up, showered, went to get dressed and straight up fainted. She found me on the floor of my closet and made me call out.
I don't understand why people think it is a problem to laugh at your own jokes :D
Seriously, this thing about quitting jobs. I'd like to know how they plan to survive assuming they don't have another one lined up. If it's hard paying rent and bills while they are working how the hell do they do it if they are unemployed?
Seriously, this thing about quitting jobs. I'd like to know how they plan to survive assuming they don't have another one lined up. If it's hard paying rent and bills while they are working how the hell do they do it if they are unemployed?