45 Pictures Proving You Shouldn’t Believe Everything You See On Social Media, As Shared On ‘Instagram Reality’ (New Pics)
If you've been on social media long enough, you know well that most of what you see is as real as unicorns (which may just be a horse with an ice cream cone stuck on its forehead sans filters). Barbie-like figures, smooth skin faces, perfectly sculpted abs. That's all fine. Except when people start being ridiculous enough to not care if their Photoshop skills start spilling out.
Enter the Instagram Reality community which happily sheds light on those who take things quite too far. While we understand the appeal of matching your pics with those that seem born for Insta greatness (look at all those likes!), taking it to the digital extremes these photos do is borderline absurd. Once again, this only proves that Instagram Reality is the hero we need but don't deserve.
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Her Shadow Had Me Rolling
A couple of years ago, the Wall Street Journal published a shocking report on Instagram which uncovered internal documents proving that Facebook, which owns Instagram, has known for years that the platform is harmful to the mental health of many teenagers — particularly girls — but chose to keep the controversial information to themselves.
However, this revelation didn't come as a surprise to many, as highlighted in a report by the Wall Street Journal. The report cited an internal Instagram presentation from March 2020, which disclosed that when 32% of teenage girls “felt bad about their bodies, Instagram made them feel worse.” Extensive academic research further corroborated these findings. In fact, a study revealed that a significant 90% of young women admitted to using filters or editing their photos before sharing them on social media platforms.
The Difference Between Her And The Fella Is Incredible
While realizing how doom-scrolling through Insta can create body image problems for young girls around the world can be a newfound realization, it certainly is not for Dr. Charlotte Markey, a Professor of Psychology at Rutgers University and a world-leading expert in body image research.
"Perfect photos make us feel imperfect because, of course, we are. All humans are imperfect," she explained to Bored Panda in an email. "However, instead of realizing this, our knee-jerk reaction is to want to fix our imperfections and there are so many products available (especially marketed at women) to help us to do so."
Finally Found One In The Wild
It’s Always Weird When People From TV Shows Photoshop Their Pictures As If We Don’t Know What They Actually Look Like
i'm so sorry if you're into this, but i'll never understand why people want to look exactly the same! I can't even recognize some celebrities anymore
And she's absolutely right about it. A study conducted by Case24 unveiled that a significant 71% of individuals employ FaceTune, a user-friendly editing application, to alter their bodies and modify their features before sharing pictures on Instagram. What's disheartening is that many of us, avid Instagram users, are fully aware of the artificial nature of these images. "Research suggests that even if we know the images aren’t real, we still compare. The visual imagery can be so compelling that even if the more logical part of our brain is saying, 'stop, this is fake, don’t compare yourself', we can still be affected," Markey said.
Editing Your Client’s Body For Instagram Aesthetic Look…
I like the original waist and tattoo better why would she do this? I wouldn't trust any of her work to be authentic either
I didn’t realize the difference when I initially looked - lady is thin in the initial pic, why make her thinner?
Your waist is fine. She should've spent her artistic skills, if any, on your ink.
The tattooist posted a tat she'd completed, but Photoshopped the client's body to look much thinner. Client was annoyed.
Load More Replies...They also took out some of the redness... And did they get your permission? I hate it when people assume it's okay to post someone else's picture to advertise their work
Would not be a repeat customer if someone did that to me. Or make any good recommendations.
The utilization of these apps to modify our appearance is closely linked to the rise of eating disorders, particularly among teenagers. Epidemiological research indicates a notable increase in eating disorders over the past 50 years, largely attributed to the widespread use of excessive use of Photoshop. Something that Dr. Markey also discovered in her research.
Found This On Twitter And They Look Like How One Piece Draw Their Female Characters I'm Crying
It’s Not Me It’s You
Imagine being so shallow that you don’t care whether your friend looks deformed, as long as you look good.
"Diet plans, products, and pills are marketed and represent a multi-billion dollar industry. When we see others looking 'perfect' in terms of their body size and shape, and then we see some sort of supplement, diet plan, product, or pill that claims it will help us to look like that… of course, we want to try it!" she explained. "That’s a very natural response to tempting messaging. Of course, most (if not all!) of this is completely false advertising."
Everyone In The Comments Prasing His "Golden Genetics"
Found On Vinted. Even The Shadows Are Confused
Her lips are literally just two sausages. Why do people seem so enamored with swollen sausage-lips?
Excessive reliance on photo editing apps like Adobe Lightroom and FaceTune, with the intention of enhancing self-confidence, can have detrimental effects on mental well-being. In some cases, this reliance can even contribute to the development of body dysmorphia, a mental health disorder characterized by obsessive preoccupation and distress regarding one's body image.
All His Photos Are Like This
Interesting Proportions
According to Dr. Markey, addressing this issue should start during a person's formative years. She emphasized the significance of being mindful about how we discuss others and ourselves, even from a young age. "We can avoid focusing on people’s appearances. We can be careful to mention that images our kids see in the media are unrealistic," she suggested. "We can help them to grow up NOT internalizing these beauty ideals because they never really accepted them."
Wants People To Think She Hasn’t Aged Since 1999
She is one of the few celebrities I feel sorry for. The press tore her apart and made her the poster child for “fat” when she gained weight and didn’t look like “Daisy Duke” anymore. The woman grow 3 human beings inside of her ffs.
The Joker But Make It Chic
Editing Yourself To An Entirely Different Race
Turkish Reality Show Contestant Instagram vs. First Episode Of The Show
Ah Yes, Very Normal Head To Body Ratio
Ever put a cat in a human jacket? This is exactly what you get if you do.
Same Person. One Of The Most Prolific Photoshoppers On Earth
There’s no resemblance at all. It’s hard to believe these are both shots of the same person.
What Did I Just Lay My Eyes Upon? 😭
Finally Found One In The Wild
Picture This Lady Uses For Her Mlm Profile vs. Her Fb Pictures
Profile Pictures vs. Tagged Photos. Which Are Which, I Wonder?
She Says She Uses Filters Just To Color Correct
Instagram vs. Reality TV
My Wife Showed Me This Picture Of Her Friend From High School And It's So Bad
Looking Like A 13-Year-Old When She’s 50 Years Older Than That… Why????
I Bet The Sun Is Not Real Either
Wavy Curtains Strike Again
What Happened To Your Chin And The Side Of Your Face?? Girl, Who You Think You Fooling??
“Influencer” Credits The Expensive Weight Loss Powder She Shills For Keeping Her So Slim
What She Posted vs. What Her Mom Posted
I Think I Scrolled Too Far, They Look Different In Every Photo
Instagram vs. What She’s Tagged In
AAAH lady, wth, really. I dont think aging remotely naturally would have made her look that bad.
Reality Show Contestant From My Country, Is She Just Very Photogenic?
Influencer Post vs. Reel
She's not even overweight in reality. Why does she think she needs to look even thinner? :(
Uncanny Valley
That Jawline Is Very Cutting
This is not body shaming, but you cannot get to this weight without your face and neck being affected/gaining weight as well. This is just sad - she's obviously got confidence and pride in herself, but the face/neck edit is just so bizarre.
In The Wild…
The Picture She Posted On Instagram vs. The Tiktok She Posted… 😵💫
Someone Please Explain This Trend To Me
Remember the witch doctor at the end of the 1988 Beetlejuice movie who shrank Beetlejuice's head...? XD
From Twitter; Claims No Photoshop
Found One!
Just Wanted To See How Food From The Menu Looked Like And Here They Are… I’m So Tired Of It…
Coffee and sushi go surprisingly well together. And the Greek salad... mmm. Oh, sorry, I'm not focusing on her natural, casual beauty... and the Prada bag, of course.
Found In The Wild
First Catch In The Wild
The Most Fucked Up Part Of All These Fake Instagram Pictures Are The People In The Comments Believing It's Real
I get a little photoshop here and there, hell I've used it on occasion to get rid of zits or red spots on my face, but why on Earth would you edit yourself so much you're unrecognizable? What's the point of being "omg insta-famous" when you can't go to conventions or anything to meet your "fans" since you look nothing like your insta-self?
If you copy your photo onto a new layer, put the new layer on top, and reduce its opacity to 10%, then merge both layers, it'll smooth over minor issues. It's a lot faster and more natural looking than spot correcting.
Load More Replies...I really think many of thee people must have some form of body dysmorphia. We look at these photos and instantly recognize, "That looks wrong. That is not how the human form looks." But these 'grammers (or whatever their platform), edit their pictures, look at the finished product and say, "Yes. That is my ideal appearance. Nothing wrong with this at all."
So many of these women look like other. Clones? And those butts. What is the deal there?
Fake People = Fake Pictures. Those are Influencer! What did you expect? Humble and honest people?
In Australia recently police were looking for a woman who had absconded from hospital with a baby (her own baby) and they held fears for her safety or health. Cops released a press release with photos of the woman for the public to keep a look out for her. The photos must have been from the womans instagram or whatever because none of them resembled a real human being, all extremely photoshopped. So good luck looking for a freakish plastic creature that doesn't actually exist. (she was eventually found).
It's so sad that people hate themselves so much that they'll do this. And most of the pictures are absolutely frightening. It reminds me of people with eating disorders who continue to think they are fat when they look like skeletons.
I'm not trying to sound stupid, but what Android app can I download to photoshop like this? I want to make myself look like I have no internal organs and an anorexic face.
yeah they have one called "whorecam". (not really and I dont think youre a whore)
Load More Replies...The thing is, if these people clearly photoshop their photos, to unvelieable degrees, and get thousands of likes and "you look amazing / so pretty", well... is the commenters/followers that enable that. Just like in every platform, someone posts a meme, someone coments "haha"and gets thousands of likes for that, like people are easy sharing likes.
I actually used to teach to high schoolers how to do basic edits face pics with free app Paint.net, a free Photoshop clone. You know ...things like.toning down blemishes, making eyes pop a bit with some extra color and slightly brightening teeth. These techniques havn't changed in 20 years. Just small adjustments can make a world of difference....BUT the idea is that you can only tell it's changed when you flip between the images. Anything more and the viewer sees it as off but might not be able to tell you what is bothering them. This stuff, however, with software doing it for you is just lazy ppl trying to be artists.
maybe. I've only done it to remove a background. And just for profile pictures.
Load More Replies...You just don't know whether to laugh or cry, it's ultimately so sad. I have a friend online whose wife always filters herself in their pics. Like blatantly so. All those likes and woohoo comments just feel like they're enabling a form of mental illness.
I have a hard time believing that a) these are meant to be taken seriously and b) that they actually think they're fooling anyone.
It's all very bizarre but I can sort of understand in theory what might motivate someone to alter their image like that. But I do not understand the comments complimenting it - can anyone explain why people do that? Or are they just hoping for follow backs and clicks on their own profiles...?
(b), or, they are desperate incels who think the person is real and will date them at some stage if they stan enough.
Load More Replies...Reverse psychology. These people are better off constantly posting rubbish photos of themselves then in real life people go 'dayum girl, you better looking in the flesh' Job done. Easy. Like saying you are 60, when you are actually 50 and people saying how amazing you look for your age.
I honestly feel sorry for the people who are so completely delusional. Seek therapy, please. You look ridiculous and we all see it. No, we do not believe for one minute that is your real: face, butt, lips, waist, muscles, thigh gap, etc. You aren't fooling ANYONE.
The Asian ones that are super extreme like the girl sitting at the bar are like an actual thing people like. You read the comments and they KNOW it's edited but say "they don't care". They like imagining women look like that
How revolting that Boredpanda is still posting these articles poking fun at people who suffer from BDD. Glad you all find it so amusing.
Did anyone here say it was amusing? Everyone here is expressing concern.
Load More Replies...These threads always make me a little sad. I wish people could feel better about themselves that they didn't need to alter their photos to hell.
Right after post #45 click where it says "91 images" (underlined), it will appear the rest of the images :)
Load More Replies...I don't understand this rampant narcissism, and why people support it. Don't follow them, you're enabling them. Are people really so out of touch with their own selves that posing relentlessly in front of a camera is that only thing that makes them feel worthy?
I know a lot of people think it's acceptable to mock these people because of their choices in Photoshop but what's often ignored is that most people who're insecure in their appearance have low self-esteem. They're not all arrogant airheads. We live in a time where people are obsessed with perfection in physical appearance. Sites like BP and BF have posted many articles with before and after pictures of celebrities, highlighting their normal ageing process. You have a problem with naturally good looking millionaires aging to the point of generating conversations on it but don't think this obsession affects people who're being routinely told there is something wrong with them? Cultures that actively promote a narrow concept of beauty and physical perfection and then laugh when people desperately try to fit into that unattainable standard are pretty hypocritical.
This article is literally 100% "influencers" and celebrities. These aren't people who have body dysmorphia, low self-esteem, or are insecure with their appearance. They are grifters and con artists who use lies and false faces (literally) to sell their product: themselves. Your statement may be true, but none of it applies to these people.
Load More Replies...I get a little photoshop here and there, hell I've used it on occasion to get rid of zits or red spots on my face, but why on Earth would you edit yourself so much you're unrecognizable? What's the point of being "omg insta-famous" when you can't go to conventions or anything to meet your "fans" since you look nothing like your insta-self?
If you copy your photo onto a new layer, put the new layer on top, and reduce its opacity to 10%, then merge both layers, it'll smooth over minor issues. It's a lot faster and more natural looking than spot correcting.
Load More Replies...I really think many of thee people must have some form of body dysmorphia. We look at these photos and instantly recognize, "That looks wrong. That is not how the human form looks." But these 'grammers (or whatever their platform), edit their pictures, look at the finished product and say, "Yes. That is my ideal appearance. Nothing wrong with this at all."
So many of these women look like other. Clones? And those butts. What is the deal there?
Fake People = Fake Pictures. Those are Influencer! What did you expect? Humble and honest people?
In Australia recently police were looking for a woman who had absconded from hospital with a baby (her own baby) and they held fears for her safety or health. Cops released a press release with photos of the woman for the public to keep a look out for her. The photos must have been from the womans instagram or whatever because none of them resembled a real human being, all extremely photoshopped. So good luck looking for a freakish plastic creature that doesn't actually exist. (she was eventually found).
It's so sad that people hate themselves so much that they'll do this. And most of the pictures are absolutely frightening. It reminds me of people with eating disorders who continue to think they are fat when they look like skeletons.
I'm not trying to sound stupid, but what Android app can I download to photoshop like this? I want to make myself look like I have no internal organs and an anorexic face.
yeah they have one called "whorecam". (not really and I dont think youre a whore)
Load More Replies...The thing is, if these people clearly photoshop their photos, to unvelieable degrees, and get thousands of likes and "you look amazing / so pretty", well... is the commenters/followers that enable that. Just like in every platform, someone posts a meme, someone coments "haha"and gets thousands of likes for that, like people are easy sharing likes.
I actually used to teach to high schoolers how to do basic edits face pics with free app Paint.net, a free Photoshop clone. You know ...things like.toning down blemishes, making eyes pop a bit with some extra color and slightly brightening teeth. These techniques havn't changed in 20 years. Just small adjustments can make a world of difference....BUT the idea is that you can only tell it's changed when you flip between the images. Anything more and the viewer sees it as off but might not be able to tell you what is bothering them. This stuff, however, with software doing it for you is just lazy ppl trying to be artists.
maybe. I've only done it to remove a background. And just for profile pictures.
Load More Replies...You just don't know whether to laugh or cry, it's ultimately so sad. I have a friend online whose wife always filters herself in their pics. Like blatantly so. All those likes and woohoo comments just feel like they're enabling a form of mental illness.
I have a hard time believing that a) these are meant to be taken seriously and b) that they actually think they're fooling anyone.
It's all very bizarre but I can sort of understand in theory what might motivate someone to alter their image like that. But I do not understand the comments complimenting it - can anyone explain why people do that? Or are they just hoping for follow backs and clicks on their own profiles...?
(b), or, they are desperate incels who think the person is real and will date them at some stage if they stan enough.
Load More Replies...Reverse psychology. These people are better off constantly posting rubbish photos of themselves then in real life people go 'dayum girl, you better looking in the flesh' Job done. Easy. Like saying you are 60, when you are actually 50 and people saying how amazing you look for your age.
I honestly feel sorry for the people who are so completely delusional. Seek therapy, please. You look ridiculous and we all see it. No, we do not believe for one minute that is your real: face, butt, lips, waist, muscles, thigh gap, etc. You aren't fooling ANYONE.
The Asian ones that are super extreme like the girl sitting at the bar are like an actual thing people like. You read the comments and they KNOW it's edited but say "they don't care". They like imagining women look like that
How revolting that Boredpanda is still posting these articles poking fun at people who suffer from BDD. Glad you all find it so amusing.
Did anyone here say it was amusing? Everyone here is expressing concern.
Load More Replies...These threads always make me a little sad. I wish people could feel better about themselves that they didn't need to alter their photos to hell.
Right after post #45 click where it says "91 images" (underlined), it will appear the rest of the images :)
Load More Replies...I don't understand this rampant narcissism, and why people support it. Don't follow them, you're enabling them. Are people really so out of touch with their own selves that posing relentlessly in front of a camera is that only thing that makes them feel worthy?
I know a lot of people think it's acceptable to mock these people because of their choices in Photoshop but what's often ignored is that most people who're insecure in their appearance have low self-esteem. They're not all arrogant airheads. We live in a time where people are obsessed with perfection in physical appearance. Sites like BP and BF have posted many articles with before and after pictures of celebrities, highlighting their normal ageing process. You have a problem with naturally good looking millionaires aging to the point of generating conversations on it but don't think this obsession affects people who're being routinely told there is something wrong with them? Cultures that actively promote a narrow concept of beauty and physical perfection and then laugh when people desperately try to fit into that unattainable standard are pretty hypocritical.
This article is literally 100% "influencers" and celebrities. These aren't people who have body dysmorphia, low self-esteem, or are insecure with their appearance. They are grifters and con artists who use lies and false faces (literally) to sell their product: themselves. Your statement may be true, but none of it applies to these people.
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