The Sunset Rouge is a luxury destination on Airbnb that sits on top of the mountain in Historic Harpers Ferry in West Virginia. But there are little hidden items many guests may not even realize.

The home has million dollars views and sunsets that look like a vibrant painting that a photo just cannot do its true justice. Trust me, I have tried to capture the colors and so many shades and variations in the sky. My husband and I own this piece of heaven and we live on the upper level of the home, and we created an Airbnb space that is separate on the 2nd level of our home that is private and not shared. The guests can even venture down to the 3rd level of the home where I have my artist studio. It is full of paintings, brushes, backdrops, and even a movie prop with my dress from the movie Santa Girl where I played the Tooth Fairy. Yes, I’m an artist and also a movie maker. I do have several other movie memorabilia in the guest’s area.

I’m a bit quirky and I love finding things when I travel, from things in nature and architecture to the tiniest little details inside businesses, I can find amusement in the littlest things when I travel. So, I wanted to create a similar adventure for our guests. I hid a plethora of little things within The Sunset Rouge over the past few years. From funny little stickers inside cabinets, a fake movie poster I made during the covid shutdown, and even paintings hanging inside closets. Just fun little surprises to make people smile when they see them. Some are very obvious, and some are hard to find. We have had over 100 guests stay with us since opening our doors in December 2020, but with over 100 guests no one has found all of my hidden treasures.


We have had comments on the little stickers and things here and there but no one has found all my treasures yet. So I’ve decided to step up this hidden treasure hunt and I just hid a bottle of wine in one of the spaces. I’m going to share the challenge with our guests while here to find them all and share their findings on our Instagram page. So this should be fun to see how many each guest finds. Make sure to follow our page @TheSunsetRouge to see our guest treasure-hunting post. Of course, I will keep everyone on their toes moving things around and always adding new treasures along the way. I do keep all hidden treasures on their floor, I don’t hide anything in my art studio. I won’t show them all here, but I will give you a little peek at a few things guests can search for while here.

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    This is the living area of the Airbnb and in here are several little hidden treasures


    Hidden Smile

    You can relax here, or go on a treasure hunt inside this space


    Can you spot the miniature book?

    Little bowl of heart shaped walnuts I found outside, gathered and hid them inside. I really do find the coolest things

    Inside the closets I have art hanging for a fun little surprise when you go to hang up your clothes

    Can you spot my fake movie poster I made?


    hidden paper art

    hidden inside one of my medals is this cool little doodad

    This Readers Hideaway at the top of the stairs to nowhere is a pretty easy find but super cool…

    Piano Key stairs, many people don’t even realize these are here unless they step back and take in the whole staircase

    Funny little stickers from my favorite shows are hidden around the guest space


    There is a treasure or two hidden on this music wall somewhere

    This mural, you will find easily once you step outside on your deck

    If you are a movie buff, you will love seeing a few of my movie memorabilia collection I have on display

    Movie Props from the movie Santa Girl

    My gown from Santa Girl where I was the Tooth Fairy alongside Barry Bostwick who played Santa