Start your paragraph with "A giraffe walked into my bedroom" and let the predictive text do the rest. Don't make the paragraph too long however give it enough length so it has room to be entertaining. Have fun!


A giraffe walked into my bedroom villa with the kitten likely to chew wires with a glass of blue and red water each.



A giraffe walked into my bedroom and I have to go and get a gun.




“A giraffe walked into my bedroom with a cherry on her head and she looks adorable and cute and she has a gorgeous face” 🤣 omg lol why does the giraffe have a cherry on its head



A giraffe walled into my bedroom and then the rest is the only way to go. If I can talk about this with the other people over the weekend, we can get a good idea for a good time.



A giraffe walked into my bedroom with a cat and a dog and she got her hair done so she could do a little dance



A giraffe walked into my bedroom and she said that I would have to take her to the psychiatrist because Mother Mary has a lot of clout.



A giraffe walked into my bedroom with a little black cat.



A giraffe walked into my bedroom and sat on my bed slowly falling asleep or going into my bed slowly. It was getting dark now and again at the same time as a Jadefeather bird. I was confused and scared for a good minute until I remembered that she was attacked by something. She was fine asleep on the little bed.



A giraffe walked into my bedroom window and I am not sure if I am safe. The sorcerer giraffe scares me. It is not a good one but it is still pretty decent. I mean I guess it can swallow kids but it can't build food catapults.


See Also on Bored Panda

A giraffe walked into my bedroom and started hoarding lunchboxes because she wanted to throw fridges at everyone outside and she also throwed some tables too because it likely was going to headbutt the wall.



A giraffe walked into my bedroom with my dad lol so cute and fluffy and I was just like a dog pig lol so so much lol so so funny and I just wanted to let you guys look at it when you are done with work so you can just go in the office for the next few minutes lol



"A giraffe walked into my bedroom and I was a bit higher than an adult brown hen and I was very impressed." Clearly I was very high. 😆


See Also on Bored Panda