It can be a apology, thank you, a letter to someone you hate, or to a fictional character. Please no swearing though, thanks!


Dear mr derpy dino🦖
hi. wanna be friends, u seem really cool
wolfie 🐾



    Dear Toxic friend,
    I hate and we can't be friends anymore. Sorry not sorry. Hope I never see you again.
    I'm not going to miss you,



    to my 3rd grade teach- i miss you so i'm moving to africa if you are there! you taught me well



    Dear everyone who replied to my question "do I need to tell my parents I was suicidal? How?",
    Thank you so much for all the support and advice. I am so happy that I found bored panda because there are so many wonderful people here. I have taken and considered everyone's advice and I wrote a note to my parents. I chickened out yesterday and the day before, but I am planning on giving it to them today. If find the strength to give it to them today, I will make a post telling you guys what happened. Again, thank you for all the love and support from all you awesome people!


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    Galactic wolf Of the nebula
    Community Member
    3 years ago (edited) DotsCreated by potrace 1.15, written by Peter Selinger 2001-2017

    good for you can I take some of the advice from your post, I have been dealing with the same thing

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    Dear best friend (that I may or may not have a crush on),
    I need to tell you something and it's killing me because it is so hard to admit. I like you, as more than a friend. You probably don't like me like that and I'm sorry if I made it weird between us. The reason I've been so quiet lately is that I find it really hard to get the courage to talk to you. You are really nice, and you sarcastic, and you get me. Today you looked really pretty in that dress. Sure, everyone said that you looked pretty too, but I guess this is the real reason why I said you looked pretty. You're probably not going to read this, (haha you don't even know my account, or you're not even on here) But if somehow you do know it's me, I like you. Just wanted to get that off my chest.
    Me (Not saying my real name for identification purposes)



    Dear person reading this, Idk who you are or what you’re going through, but please know that you will get through this and that you are so awesome. :D have a good day! Love ya! God bless!
    -Lauren 💕


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    Dear crush,

    Hey, it’s me, your friend! Ya know, ever since we’ve reconnected in highschool, I felt real giddy being around you. I like your vibe and I just..can’t stop thinking about you to be honest. You’re super funny and caring and I’m glad to be your friend. I’m too nervous to tell you my feelings since I feel like it would be too soon from the last breakup and now, and I want to respect your space. I just, LIKE like you? Just the confusion I get from trying to figure this out since crushes on boys and girls feel almost COMPLETELY DIFFERENT is frustrating lol. To cut things short, I like you; but I’m scared to tell you because I fear rejection (and have rejection sensitivity disorder lol). You don’t have to like me back, I completely understand! I just hope you read this even though you probably won’t.

    Sincerely, Anonymous


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    Dear my FAKE friends

    Yes, I know who you are. Stop trying to act all innocent.
    I don't ever want to see your face again.
    My life is better without any of you.

    Sincerely, Willow


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    Dear Grandpa,

    I miss you old man. Every single day. Every time I get a phone call I keep expecting your number to pop up, you to be calling to make sure I was alive and my fingers weren't broken because I hadn't called you despite the fact that we just talked the day before. I still have your old phone number programmed into my phone, you're number is the only one I still have memorized even though it's been 4 years since it's been yours.

    A part of me is glad you left us when you did. So much has happened over the last 4 years and not a lot of it good. While I know what your reaction would be I'm glad you didn't have to witness the Caption Riot. You, the man who went through WW2, Korea, and Vietnam, I'm glad you weren't here for that. I'm forever thankful you left before COVID. It would have killed you I know that much.

    I need to apologize to you old man. I honored the wishes you wanted when you passed, I didn't tell her until after so he could be at your funeral. She handled that about as well as she handled anything to do with you. I sat on the email she sent me for 3 years before I wrote her back. I know y'all's relationship was rocky, I know you were human and had your faults, but I couldn't let it sit.

    Grandma's getting worse. I don't call her enough and that's on me. Everytime I talk to her all I think about is you. They let her lay with you for as long as they could and the week leading up to your funeral she was almost back to her old self. When they burried you though, she was never the same. All I can remember when I talk to her is that day. I know how much you two loved each other and no matter how bad the Alzheimer's gets I know she still looks for you. The last time I saw her in person we talked about you despite the fact she stopped making new memories a while ago.

    Last month was the worst. I got through it and shared the laughter you always brought. Bub and I still talk about you all the time, he misses you as much as I do. When I got the quilt Grandma made you I put it on the couch folded up. Sora and Eli laid on it together, actually touching, for a week. Everytime I turned around they were on it. I know they knew you were gone when I brought that home. I still have it on the back of the futon.

    I miss you old man. I know you're not in pain anymore, no more hospitalizations, no more blindness, no more struggling to breath or waking up with muscle cramps so bad it controrted you. Doesn't stop me from almost calling you every other day. Doesn't stop me from wanting to go back to the house that's no longer your place. The sign from the house is now part of my kitchen decor and I still ring the good luck bell, it's hanging in my kitchen too. You're demented hand blown turtle sits on my dresser and that picture of you when you went to DC on the Honor Flight will always hang in my house.

    I love you ya old geezer.

    All of that being said I'll never forget the bucket or the spray foam. Jerk.

    All my love,
    Your Daughter, grand excluded because you were my Dad in every possible way besides biology.


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