Hey Pandas, Who Work With Children, What Moment At Work Made Your Day Instantly Better? (Closed)
Working with kids can be a little stressful and chaotic, but it's also full of moments of pure love and hilarity.
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I babysit this one and a half year old girl. I was so proud she didn't cry when her mom left this most recent time! She is also learning some words and it filled my heart when I told her and pointed at a bottle lid and said "lid" and she then pointed at it and tried to say "lid" 🥺
I worked as a duty aide at an elementary school last year. I really loved all the kiddos and missed them over the summer. And based on the amount of hugs and general excitement I've received over the past 2 days of being back, they missed me too.
U rly look after ur students! Well done, and i wish u good luck in ur travels - a certain couchchihuahua
1st grade teacher helper. A little boy asked if I'd changed my hairspray. I was gobsmacked because YES! I was like WOW how did you know that? My HUSBAND hadn't even noticed. He said "approximately 3 seconds after you pass my desk it's apples but today it was coconuts." 😅
I child told me today that I was the best teacher he had ever had 😁 - mind you, he says that to all of us 😂😂
I was an adult teaching preschool and one of my students asked me when my mommy was going to pick me up.
I’m not a teacher but my mom and a lot of my family are, this story is actually something me and friends did for a teacher when we new she was having a hard (PS we are now friends with her outside of school/work).
So this one week our teacher was having a really bad week, (trouble with this one boy who was horrible to her, he made her cry MULTIPLE times, I mean she held it together but you here things especially since my friends mom is the principal) so my bestie and I wrote her a poem about how amazing she is and well let’s just say she still loves us to this day.