Bonus - Add your favorite teacher and what they did!
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I’m still studying under her. She’s my science teacher and a co-teacher of our class. She places so much importance on her subject alone. She believes that other subjects are easy and hers is the only one we have to put effort in. I also believe that she hates seeing us happy. She speaks negatively about therapy and depression in teens and says that all you need to cure depression is to work harder in your studies. I draw comics in class during the break times so as to not get distracted during class and she has a problem with it. Whenever I show one of my friends the comics I made during one of the breaks, she tells me to keep it in my bag and not bring it out again. I really don’t like her
My meanest teacher was Mrs. Bonassi, in elementary school. I’ve never been good at staying organized, and I can admit my backpack was a disaster…I would simply put things into it, not take out the old, outdated papers, so it got bad and I lost homework I had completed on more than one occasion. Eventually, she had enough of that and decided I needed extreme measures to learn a lesson about being more organized. So, this woman has me to the front of the class and upended my entire backpack onto the floor, and told the entire class we would not be moving forward until I picked it all up and took care of everything properly. Try to imagine a child of about 10 or 11, hands and knees with the entire room staring at him, the teacher standing over him watching what he’s doing, picking through papers to either save (and put in order!) or throw away, crying in embarrassment and shame, for something like 15-20 minutes. Yeah…F that woman, big time
In Kindergarten, this kid asked the teacher if he could use the bathroom, and she said no. Later, he said he peed his pants, and she called him a baby.
I went ahead of the class one time, and she came over, pulled my ear, got me foot off the ground (the pulling), and yelled in my ear. Some months later, I told her I was moving (it's true), and she gave me bags and notebooks as a goodbye gift or something.
Not so much a teacher but an advisor.
I was one of eight student leaders for a statewide organization. So naturally we had a lot of responsibility on our shoulders.
She still shoved more of her work onto us and would do the things that an adult needed to do. By the end of my term, I was so stressed out and burned out I was struggling.
I am also sure she didn't like me because I am soft-hearted and get easily emotional.
Good luck to the current State Officers...
Got me in trouble for saying my cursive letter k looked like a butt cheek. This was in art class.
someone drew a car once, and their classmate said it looked like a but
My math teacher in primary school, she made me stand the whole time she’s teaching because I didn’t have the book they’re using. I got transfer to that school in middle of April, my old school didn’t use the same book as her class did. I went to all the bookstore in my town (didn’t have online shopping before ) but they ran out of stock. They said the book won’t be in stock until August. My parents already told her about it, she said she understand but still give me the punishment until mid August when I finally got the book. She then managed to get everyone in my class hate me because of that. I got bullied. I was only 7. Fast forward to high school still got bullied because most of my old classmates went to the same high school. She’s the reason my posture is bad and I hate math. P/s I try to fight back about the bully things but making situation worse.
In college, there’s one teacher that always made fun about people with depression or mental illness. I hate those kind of people