Yo! Who do you think is the most OP superhero. Post it in the comments below.
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I would say it's actually Dr. Strange. He just doesn't use his full powers because he trained his self-control.
I think it's the flash because if you think about it he many not be the strongest but he could get around 1,000 punch's and kicks a SECOND and he's not the strongest but he's pretty strong so he could take down the best foes within seconds
I’d think captain marvel is the most op superhero. Black widows sandwich had more screen time then captain marvel in endgame and captain marvel managed to defeat thanos whole army and help defeat thanos.
Black Canary. I firmly believe that Sara Lance could kill anyone just with her LoA skills and wit.
Rogue! She literally absorbs the power of others. Therefore whoever is the most powerful, she just touches them and becomes the most powerful!
Ok the actual strongest is dr. Manhattan because he can control things down to atomic level, he can travel through time, he can instantly eradicate anything off the planet. Read the watchmen graphic novel for more details.
Spider Man! So flexible, smart and has a good sense of humour
All those things make him amazine!
i have to power of kindness
so strong
i am a bored panda super hero
lots of people on bp love cause im nice to them
i save they lifes
i am hero of hearts
i am powerfulest
i so powerful taht not even satan can defeat me
power of luv