History is full of great- and odd- people. Who are your favourites?


Harvey Milk. He's a really interesting guy, and a pioneer for queer rights. Most people have never heard of him. I highly recommend looking him up!


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Anne Bonny and Mary Read. Both female pirates, both raised as male, both badass. They sometimes fought shirtless to show their enemies they were losing against a woman. They possibly started a relationship together, albeit Anne already being with Calico Jack Rackham (although A General History of the Pyrates does mention Anne was "not altogether so reserved in point of Chastity.")


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Albert Einstein. He was smart, funny, and helped the world. And, as far as I know he didn’t do any bad stuff?


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Michelangelo. He hated the pope at the time, and it was mutual. To get at the pope, Michaelangelo painted him on the hell side of The Last Judgement. The pope, however, couldn't do anything about it, because he was the only one who could paint the Sistine Chapel.


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