Hey Pandas, Which Fictional Character Would Be The Most Exciting To Meet In Real Life? (Closed)
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For me Percy Jackson.
bucky barnes/winter soldier from marvel cuz well hes just epic
I think meeting Annabeth Chase would be the best thing ever, also if anyone's ever read the Magnus Chase series, I think meeting Blitzen would be freaking awesome (or maybe Hearthstone)
I’d ask for Jesus! If no one comes, He was not fiction. I’ll never stop wondering if He did walk this Earth (God or not).
Depends on which version of Jesus you are thinking of. There definitely was a man who was used as inspiration in both Catholicism and Islam (in islam he's a simple prophet but the source of inspiration for the stories is the same real, historical, person). If I were stil religious I'd love to know which parts about him (from either religion) are real and which are made up (or maybe I wouldn't because religions are more about believing and less, if at all, about knowing)
I would love to meet the 7 and Nico from Percy Jackson. Also Janner Kalmar and Lili from the Wingfeather saga!
I wanted to say Hermione Granger, but you know, the whole trio would be real cool! Oh and not to forget : Neville!!
Primrose Everdeen.She would be great to all to during quarantine.
Dragon? Holy bees.
Large dragon? Holier bees.
Magic dragon? Welcome to the church of bees.
Thor, Marvel Version. One, I like mead and he likes mead. Two, I'd have someone to go to the axe throwing bar that just opened. And three, workout buddy!
Any Marvel or PJO or Harry Potter Character
I'd specifically loveeee to meet every marvel character, the Golden(Harry, Ron, Hermione ) and Silver trio(Ginny, Neville, Luna), and the 7 + Nico, Reyna, Alex Fierro and Sam Al-Abbas IDK I'd love to meet everyone!❤️❤️❤️
Hange from Attack on Titan, cause she's my spirit animal.
How about Kassandra from Assassin's Creed Odyssey?
Deku from MHA; I lost most of my friends during quarantine and he'd befriend me regardless of my background. Everyone needs a person like Deku ^v^
Killua from Hunter x Hunter! That would be awesome! Or maybe Alluka... Just have to make sure they don't kill me 0-o
Captain Jean-Luc Picard and Lieutenant Data
heathcliff and catherine from wuthering heights so I could tell them to grow up! get over the teenage angst. and then hold up my hand (all sassy-like) and say "no drama-llamas here".
My dad.
Gumball from The Amazing World of Gumball. So I can learn his awesome-witty-sarcastic-comeback ways 🥸
Edward scissorhands.
Well, maybe Gandalf. Him or Hermione Granger because then she and my best friend and I could chat for hours about everything under the sun and I just adore Hermione.
Miraculous Ladybug !!! Like who else well I got more but her cause she is amazing and cat noir omg I need them to get together, I just keep suffering get luka out the picture sorry but I don't need Marinette and luka to be together but yeah it would be exciting to met Miraculous Ladybug.
right remeber that one episode where they lost their memory in that building. If you're a Miraculous Ladybug fan you would know what happens then
Harry Potter. If I met him I would have a heart attack, die, and go to heaven but...it would be worth it
Momiji sohma from fruits basket he seems really fun
Phoenix Wright. He'd probably be really nice and work in the Supreme Court or something.
Tomura Shigaraki! In my opinion he is the greatest villain ever to exist. I would just follow him everywhere and make him take his mask off so I can watch him smile.
Probably the person my profile is based off of. Idk why, he just seems like a good drinking partner.
(Any guesses?)
Godot! To ask him where he’s been! If he doesn’t show up: Zaphod Beeblebrox (book version).
There’s many more I’d like to meet but who probably wouldn’t be very exciting unless they were meeting you for a reason, like DEATH or dr. Ian Malcolm or Hamlet or the Doctor.
Never or Tanith from Skulduggery Pleasant, Manon Blackbeak from Throne of Glass, or literally anyone from the Riordanverse.
Hinata Shoyo (from Haikyuu!!) anyday. Could really use some tips on how to get to that GODLY level of motivation and passion.
John Taylor, a private investigator on the Nightside (from a series of the same name by Simon R. Green), who has a special sixth sense to find things and people. Especially when they don´t want to be found. Because I lost man Fs I need help locating.
Mr. Darcy, Nickie Ferrante, or Dracula.
captain carrot of the city night watch
I looked him up and to me he looked like the rip off version of bugs bunny