I'm sure all of us had our most embarrassing moments in our life.


Mine was probably when i was in 3rd grade we were in the beach and i was feeling hungry so i went back to our "cottage" and ate foods a lot of them. Only to find out it wasn't our cottage...it was someone else's cottage..i ate a whole bucket of chicken and 5 cupcakes and 2 sodas... they were just looking at me so confused...then my cousin found me...


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    I feel like just being alive is embarrassing enough



    I was at work and no customers were in, so I was goofing off and facetimed my 9 year-old friend to just chat for a second.
    We were halfway through our conversation when a customer walked in. I panicked and muted myself, but forgot to mute him. So the customer walks up to the desk and my friend goes "What are you doing?!" really loudly.🤣
    I hung up on him, but not before the customer smiles and goes "Are you watching YouTube back there?"

    I was just praying my boss didn't hear anything.😅


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